BREAKING: PRES. TRUMP RECEIVES GAG ORDER! John, A federal judge has just issued a gag order on Pres. Trump as he is forced to stand trial under new bogus, politically motivated charges in D.C. court. WE ARE NOW THE LEADING VOICE TO DEFEND PRES. TRUMP, BECAUSE HE NO LONGER HAS HIS! Pres. Trump has been silenced and his ability to fight back has been stripped from him.... DEFEND PRES. TRUMP » RUSH YOUR SUPPORT Imagine having your First Amendment rights stripped from you while you’re victimized by a corrupt justice system that’s being weaponized by your political opponents, all with the goal of putting you behind bars for life! With your support, our team led the fight to elect Pres. Trump in 2016. Now, we serve as the nation’s leading anti-Joe Biden organization and are working to elect Pres. Trump once again in 2024. Pres. Trump can no longer legally defend himself, and it’s up to US to fight back against Biden’s weaponized DOJ. DEFEND PRES. TRUMP » RUSH YOUR SUPPORT - DJT Defense Team
The Committee to Defeat the President ( is a grassroots-funded effort dedicated to stopping Joe Biden and (as they would say) "resisting" the Democrat Party's radical socialist agenda.
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