Good afternoon Young Democrats,


2 weeks ago, the DNC held its last meeting before the 2024 Convention in St. Louis, MO. It was an interesting meeting that had plenty of updates on what different states were up to, elections for several of the regional Vice-Chairperson positions, and we were joined by Vice President Kamala Harris - who spent a third of her speaking time discussing the importance of the college tour she’s on and how young people matter in this party.


We attempted to join as many caucus and region meetings as possible and took notes that can be found here. A special thank you to YDA Midwest Vice President Spencer Dirrig and DNC Youth Council Member Katherine Jeanes for their help writing things down! A complete list of the resolutions that were passed can be found here


This meeting also gave many of us an opportunity to visit the UAW Picket Line and show solidarity with our brothers, sisters, and siblings who are striking for better conditions and pay. Please see the photos below for some action shots of our members on the picket line! If you’d like to walk a picket line near you, please visit:

DNC meetings are open to any and all who would like to attend and I was so thrilled to see many of our YDA members who joined in St. Louis! Shout out to Paul (NY), Tas (OK), Ron (AK), Anderson (NC), Matt (NC), Kema (NC), Andre (TX), and so many more of our members (and our friends at  the College Dems and High School Dems) for attending! We hope to continue the momentum by having as many of our members as possible at the Convention in Chicago, IL in 2024 so please be on the lookout for a training on how you can become a delegate (#YDANoVA!). 


As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out! 



Steph Campanha Wheaton