From Lew Rockwell <[email protected]>
Subject Hamas’s Victory
Date October 17, 2023 8:22 AM
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Tuesday, October 17th, 2023


** Hamas’s Victory ([link removed])

Ron Paul, MD

** Democracy, Shemocracy ([link removed])

Karen Kwiatkowski

** From the Plague to Palestine ([link removed])

Anthony Freda

** Who Do They Think They’re Kidding? ([link removed])

James Howard Kunstler

** It’s Only a War Crime When Russia Does It ([link removed])

Martin Armstrong

** The Woke Agenda: Follow the Money ([link removed])

Jeff Einstein

** We Need a Change: Taylor Swift for President ([link removed])

Charles Hugh Smith

** Let’s Look at the Financial Flight to Quality From Israel/Hamas ([link removed])

Tom Luongo

** Pulling the Roof Down on Today’s Paradigm ([link removed])

Alastair Crooke

** Swarms vs. Swarms ([link removed])

Michael T. Klare

** Israel is Committing an Epic War Crime with US Backing and US Arms ([link removed])

Dave Lindorff

** Pfizer May Go Bankrupt, Financial Markets Realize ([link removed])

Igor Chudov

** Political Theatre ([link removed])
* Atrocity propaganda in World War One ([link removed])
* New Zealand Ousts Leftist Lockdown Loons After Conservative Wins Election ([link removed])
* How a billionaire-backed network of AI advisers took over Washington ([link removed])
* RFK fires Kucinich and appoints his CIA daughter-in-law to run his campaign… ([link removed])
* Tennesse considers rejecting federal education funds ([link removed])
* The very same Europe… ([link removed])
* Yesterday’s Interview of John Mearsheimer on Hamas-Israel War & Ukraine ([link removed])
* “No Such Thing As Innocent Civilians?” ([link removed])
* Krugman Says Inflation Is Over…. ([link removed])
* RFK fires Kucinich and appoints his CIA daughter-in-law to run his campaign… ([link removed])
* MORE ([link removed])

** LRC Blog ([link removed])
* Beware of Stories about Babies in Incubators . . . ([link removed])
* Biden: ‘US Has ‘Obligation’ To Be Involved In BOTH Ukraine AND Israel ([link removed])
* Skeletons from 1918 Flu Pandemic Reveal Frail & Unhealthy Most Likely to Die ([link removed])
* SHAMEFUL: GOP Earmarking Spendaholic Drunkards ([link removed])
* Certification ([link removed])
* Argentine Anarcho-capitalist Hero Javier Milei Cites Walter Block ([link removed])
* CDC has NO Scientific Evidence of ANY “Dengue Virus” or Lyme Disease Causing Bacteria. NONE ([link removed])
* Quit Calling Them Diseases! ([link removed])
* Wars & Inflation Thrive on Lies ([link removed])
* Donald Trump: Protectionist ([link removed])
* MORE ([link removed])

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