Refuse Fascism episode 175 uploaded October 14: Sam Goldman talks with Dahlia Lithwick, writes
about the courts and the law for Slate. about how the SCOTUS and this term fit
into the growing fascist threat and the stakes of the cases they will
potentially be hearing and deciding this year. Sam speaks on the global rise of fascism.

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Dahlia Lithwick:
To cover the court as though it is this laboratory where nine scientists put on white coats and do evidence based science experiments about the law, when the lab the lab coats the Bunsen burners, the test tubes, have all been bought and paid for, is insane. A six member conservative supermajority is picking the cases, is deciding the outcomes of the cases, all of which is being bought and sold by people with interests before the court. The court isn't just a sort of objective neutral witness to attempts to constrict democracy, the court is a player -- this conservative supermajority -- in constricting democracy.
Sam Goldman:
We have to talk about Gaza. In this past week, the slow genocide in the Gaza Strip has begun turning into a fast one. We will likely be covering this in more detail in future episodes, but cannot be silent now. While our podcasts focus is on American fascism, our all volunteer production team are internationalists and aim to take a scientific view which demands recognizing the global rise of fascism from India to the Philippines to Hungary and yes, Israel, amongst other places.
So we have to say, and to our saying: Bibi is a fascist, genocide is unconscionable, revenge isn't liberation -- this goes for everyone. People are not their government, and people in this country have a responsibility for the crimes that our government commits. Right now, the Biden administration, while not fascist, is enthusiastically supplying and supporting mass murder in Gaza. These war crimes, crimes against humanity on the path to genocide, would not be possible without the green light of the U.S. government. Overriding that green light through the power of the people in the streets is a worthy goal because silence is complicity.
The horror we are already seeing has the potential for escalation on an unimaginable scale. It must be opposed and to speak specifically to the terrifying and grotesque connection between this horror and American fascism. Benjamin Dixon pointed out on Twitter (yes, I'm still calling it that) that while some Jewish Israelis are calling on Netanyahu to resign, white American evangelicals are calling on Netanyahu to turn Gaza into a parking lot to kick off Armageddon.
On Episode 175:
Thank you for listening and being part of refusing fascism in the name of humanity and for being on this journey with us as we engage dialogue and debate with a broad array of writers, scholars, legal experts, and people from different walks of life on the routes, nature, and trajectory of fascism in this country. Thanks to all who share this show with others, whether through social media or talking about it with friends and fam. Together, we are forging understanding and relationships aimed at preventing the consolidation of American fascism.
We hope that you'll help us mark this milestone and reach more people who want to refuse fascism by writing a review on Apple podcasts and dropping five stars wherever you listen to your pods. I can't overemphasize what a difference is makes.
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