These 12 youth leaders are a testament to the unending possibilities of our WE CAN! campaign. Each year, we build up the leadership skills of these up-and-coming leaders and put them at the forefront of advocating for clean water and air in their communities.
In our first cohort, the Ambassadors built out a constituency of young BIPOC advocates in unincorporated, low-income communities in the Central Valley to protect drinking water and groundwater from fossil fuel contamination.
In our second cohort, our 10 Ambassadors launched the impressive WE CAN (Water Equity and Clean Air Now!) campaign to advocate for a youth-led climate board to give young people a voice in local decision-making. They hosted presentations for students and community organizations, held town halls with elected officials, spoke directly to government agencies and legislators, and recruited nearly 150 volunteers.
Now, this third cohort will continue the previous group's progress to advocate for clean water and air, with the same ultimate goal of establishing a youth-led climate board in their communities.
This year's Ambassadors are sure to make huge progress for their communities, and we would love for you to be a part of it with us. Friend, let’s start this year’s campaign off by getting to know the 12 new Ambassadors!
Our Ambassadors cannot wait to show you what they have in store.