Since this past weekend, the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) confirmed three cases of Coronavirus, or, COVID-19, in Oregon. While we're still awaiting additional information, I wanted to reach out and provide some additional resources.
Oregon Coronavirus update
Right now, public health experts, care providers, and public officials are working hard to ensure that Oregon has the information and the resources we need to keep everyone safe.
Luckily, doctors tell us many of the precautions that have been recommended to take to prevent the spread of Coronavirus are the same as any infectious respiratory illness:
Feeling sick? Stay home. Remember to cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or, if you don't have one handy, cough into your elbow instead of your hands.
Hygiene makes all the difference. Wash your hands frequently with soap ( some say for as long as it takes to sing" Happy Birthday.") And disinfect commonly-used surfaces, like doorknobs, faucets, keyboards, etc. To the extent possible, avoid touching your face throughout the day.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Eat well and exercise to help support your immune system. Check with your medical provider to be sure you're up-to-date with vaccinations, especially the flu vaccine.
Traveling? Be sure to review the Center for Disease Control and Prevention travel website. Common sense tells us the more people we are around in close quarters, the greater the chance of exposure to illnesses.
Thank you for taking care of yourself. It will help keep you safer and healthier, and it is the best way to respect your fellow humans.
And thank you to the many amazing people who are working around the clock to give us answers and help keep us healthy and safe. With luck, we'll know more soon and I'll be updating you.
I'll be in touch,
Oregon Coronavirus update