Dear John,
As we commemorate Women’s History Month, check out our new lesson plan and Table Talk on gender, sexism and the Presidential election. In addition, we present March’s Book of the Month, New Kid, which recently won the John Newbery Medal, the first graphic novel to receive this honor. | |
Women's History Month
This year’s theme is “Valiant Women of the Vote.” Use our lesson plans, teaching tools and other resources to bring the themes of Women’s History Month into your classroom in March and beyond. Get Resources | | | |
The Coronavirus Surfaces Fear, Stereotypes and Scapegoating
This blog examines how the recent panic has manifested in bias, scapegoating and xenophobia. Includes suggestions for how schools can help. Read More | | | |
Book of the Month: New Kid
This graphic novel tells the story of Jordan Banks, a seventh grader who finds himself in a private school where diversity is low. Jordan learns to navigate his new school culture while keeping his neighborhood friends and staying true to himself. Get Book and Discussion Guides | |
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Sexism and the Presidential Election
Use this high school lesson to analyze gender bias in presidential elections and explore how sexism takes place during campaigns, past and present. Download Lesson Plan | | | |
Table Talk: Elections, Gender and Bias
Talk with your family about the 2020 presidential election and the extent to which sexism plays a role in this unprecedented campaign. Read More | | | |
Answering Your Students' Toughest Questions Webinar
Join this Echoes & Reflections webinar to hear students’ toughest questions about the Holocaust be addressed with supporting primary sources, video testimony and classroom strategies. Register Now | | | |
Anti-Bias Curriculum for Sale
Use our elementary, middle and high school curriculum guides. They are designed to help students explore identity, understand and appreciate differences, and analyze and challenge bias. Purchase Curriculum | |