BREAKING from THE NEW YORK TIMES: "DeSantis Wants to ROLL BACK Press Freedom"

We're boiling with rage at Ron DeSantis right now. The NYT just reported that DeSantis is going all-out DICTATOR in his attempt to destroy the Freedom of the Press. He wants to sue, bankrupt, and jail reporters who fight against him! John, DeSantis is praying that good people like you don't take action to stop him. Our team has been fighting DeSantis since DAY ONE, and now we're launching a brand new petition to show public anger against his plot. We need to see 10,000 signatures to defend the press by 10:00 P.M. or else DeSantis will become a full-blown dictator!!
We know you're busy… but please, take a moment to read these key excerpts from the article:
"Over the course of an hour, Mr. DeSantis and his guests laid out a detailed case for revisiting a landmark Supreme Court decision protecting the press from defamation lawsuits." "The decision set a higher bar for defamation lawsuits involving public figures, and for years it was viewed as sacrosanct. That standard has empowered journalists to investigate and criticize public figures without fear that an unintentional error will result in crippling financial penalties." "Mr. DeSantis, a likely Republican presidential candidate, put the effort at the center of his war against the mainstream media." "Two justices on the conservative-majority Supreme Court, Clarence Thomas and Neil M. Gorsuch, have indicated their willingness to roll back the ruling in written dissents in recent years..."
As you can see, this situation is becoming more dire by the day – the MAGA Supreme Court could be ready to back DeSantis!! We need to fight back against wannabe Dictator DeSantis – NOW. Please do the right thing, and add your name to this petition standing with the Free Press immediately! »
– Team RBG