It's Election Day Jack!
Have you voted?
Yahoo! It's Election Day! So at this point you fall in one of THREE categories. Stay with me...
1. You've already voted! Awesome, thank you! Please join at the U.S. Grant in Downtown San Diego for our Election Night Event after polls close. FREE but you MUST RSVP.
2. You have yet to vote and you have your ballot in good order to drop off or you are a registered poll voter. Great. Consult the Official Republican Voter Guide here and then find your polling place here. You have until 8 PM tonight! (Note: If you are just dropping off a sealed ballot envelope in good order you can do so at ANY polling location - or post office.)
3. You have yet to vote and you have an issue like you want to switch to Republican, have lost your ballot or envelope, or even that you wish to register. DO NOT GO TO YOUR LOCAL POLLING PLACE other than as a last resort. Go to one of FIVE SATELLITE LOCATIONS that are better equipped to help with any issues you may have.
And, again, once you've voted join us at our Election Night Event at the U.S. Grant in Downtown San Diego along with our candidates to watch local, state, and national results come in. FREE TO ATTEND but you MUST RSVP.
Thank you for being a great Republican! I hope to see you tonight!
Tony Krvaric
CHAIRMAN (volunteer)
Republican Party of San Diego County
Croatian by blood, Swedish by birth, American by choice
PS. Don't be fooled by misleading "voter guides", mailers, television ads, and robocalls. There IS ONLY ONE OFFICIAL Republican Voter Guide, and it's the one vetted and compiled by your local, duly elected party members. You can find it here. Remember to vote for our Republican ticket and then join us at the U.S. Grant in Downtown San Diego after the polls close to watch the results come in. Go Republicans!