Dear Fellow Patriot,
The United Nation's "Small Arms Treaty" has been the Gun Control Lobby's crown jewel for decades.
They're not giving up just because President Trump announced his opposition. In fact, they plan to force it into law REGARDLESS of who's in the White House!
But you and I have a chance to stop them cold -- if you'll agree to take IMMEDIATE action to help the President kill this dangerous Treaty.
Please read the email below from Dudley Brown, President of the National Association for Gun Rights, to learn why it's so critical we act now!
 The Hon. Rand Paul U.S. Senator (R-KY) Dear Fellow Patriot,
If you and I don't drive a stake through the heart of the United Nation's so-called "Small Arms Treaty" now, we may never get the chance.
I know you may have seen President Trump's recent announcement of his opposition to the gun grabbers' gun control crown jewel and asking the U.S. Senate to send it back to the White House where he pledged to "dispose of" the Treaty.
That was certainly great news -- the result of months of consistent pressure of Second Amendment supporters like you.
But if the U.S. Senate won't comply with the President's wishes, it won't matter one bit.
As long as the Treaty is pending in the Senate, ratification is all that's needed for this gun grab to become reality -- regardless of who occupies the White House or their position on the Treaty!
The good news is, U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has introduced legislation (S.R. 204) to remove the U.N.'s "Small Arms Treaty" from Senate consideration and send it back to the White House where it can finally be killed. Now it's up to you and me to muscle it through.
That's why I'm counting on you to sign your NO U.N. GUN BAN petitions to your U.S. Senators at once!
As you'll see, these petitions insist that your U.S. Senators cosponsor S.R. 204 and do everything in their power to force a public, roll-call vote on this resolution in the U.S. Senate.
The fact is, with the 2020 election right around the corner, you and I must act now. If we don't, we'll be playing with fire as the political makeup of the U.S. Senate could change dramatically, and gun-grabbers could gain the votes they need for Treaty ratification.
I can't explain what a DISASTER this would be.
As President Trump stated, this Treaty would effectively "allow foreign bureaucrats to trample on your Second Amendment freedom."
In fact, after reading through the details of the Treaty, it's hard to see how our Second Amendment could survive such an assault.
Perhaps the worst of the Treaty's provisions can be found in Article V, which mandates countries establish a "National Control List" -- a record-keeping system to track "end users" of "small and light weapons" for a "minimum of ten years."
This is an International Gun Registry, clearly designed to include detailed information on American gun owners. Just imagine foreign dictators and governments having unrestricted access to a list of every American gun owner!
You and I both know gun registration is just the first step toward outright CONFISCATION. And the U.N. is already plotting their next step -- developing new "International Small Arms Control Standards" (ISACS).
Treaty apologists' goal is to impose these radical anti-gun initiatives on every nation who signs the U.N. "Small Arms Treaty." Introductory language already includes:*** Mandated national "screening" for those seeking to own guns, giving bureaucrats the final say on whether or not you're "competent" enough to own a gun; *** Restrictive licensing for gun and ammo sales, and perhaps even bans on certain types of firearms. This could include anything from semi-auto rifles to shotguns and handguns! *** Restrictions on the number of guns and amount of ammo any "properly-licensed" individual may legally own; *** Bans on magazines holding more than ten rounds; and *** Bans on owning a firearm for self-defense -- unless a citizen can somehow demonstrate need and get federal government approval. Since the Trump administration's announcement of opposition, the gun grabbers' strategy to make the U.N. "Small Arms Treaty" a reality is simple.
Do nothing. Be quiet. Hope people forget about it until after the 2020 elections where they believe they can seize control of our entire U.S. federal government.
As I mentioned, as long as the U.N.'s so-called "Small Arms Treaty" remains pending in the U.S. Senate, all the gun-grabbers need is to regain Senate control and ratify it.
It won't matter who's in the White House -- or their views on this Treaty.
That's why we have to mount a massive campaign to send this Treaty back to the President NOW so he can kill the Treaty before it's too late.
The great news is, just doing so puts you and me in a win/win situation.
Either we get the 60 votes we need to finally KILL this Treaty.
Or anti-gun U.S. Senators will be on record in support of arguably the WORST anti-gun initiative to come before either House of Congress in decades -- right before the 2020 elections.
Believe me.
U.S. Senators who vote to allow foreign bureaucrats to trample on our gun rights will pay the price at the ballot box in 2020. . .
. . .just like they did in 2014 after their all-out push for gun control in the wake of the Newtown murders, and in 2016 after Hillary Clinton's full embrace of every anti-gun policy imaginable.
But if we don't, it could be the gun grabbers who get the last laugh -- even if it takes them years to regain control of the U.S. Senate!
After all, gun grabbers have been battling for this scheme since President Bill Clinton's administration. They're going to do whatever it takes to make their global gun control crown jewel a reality. They're clearly in this for the long haul.
Are you?
If so, please prove it by please signing your NO U.N. GUN BAN petitions to your U.S. Senators right away.
And if possible, please agree to your most generous financial support as well.
Once you have signed your petitions, I am counting on your support to help the National Association for Gun Rights:1) Contact and mobilize up to 10 million pro-Second Amendment Americans using mail, email and phone banks to turn up maximum pressure on the U.S. Senate; 2) Launch a full-scale online effort, including Internet ads, op-eds, working highly-trafficked blogs and using social media to generate even more heat to ensure the U.N.'s so-called "Small Arms Treaty" can be returned to the White House where President Trump can finish it off; and 3) Craft hard-hitting radio, newspaper and TV ads, which we'll be ready to unleash at a moment's notice if we can raise the resources to fund them. Of course, a program of this scale won't be cheap.
But as I explained, doing nothing would only play right into the gun grabbers hands.
That's why I'm counting on you to please sign and return your "NO U.N. GUN BAN" petitions IMMEDIATELY.
But I hope you won't stop there.
Along with your signed petitions, could you please consider a generous contribution of $25 TODAY?
I know that's a lot.
It may be more than you've given in the past.
But if we don't FIGHT now, we could look back at this moment and realize this was where the Second Amendment died . . . when we had a chance to KILL the U.N.'s "Small Arms Treaty" . . . but we just didn't take it.
I can't bear to see that happen. I'm committed to doing everything in my power to see S.R. 204 passed, and the U.N.'s "Small Arms Treaty" returned to the White House.
But without your immediate support, nothing I do will matter.
So please act -- and agree to give generously.
If $25 is just too much, please agree to a generous contribution of $10 or at least $5 TODAY.
Whatever you can do, please act IMMEDIATELY.
Please sign your "NO U.N. GUN BAN" petitions right away and return them with your most generous contribution of $25, $10, or at least $5 TODAY!
For Freedom,
Dudley Brown President National Association for Gun Rights
P.S. The President has asked the U.S. Senate to return the U.N. "Small Arms Treaty" to the White House where he said, "I will dispose of it." And if you and I don't take this opportunity to dispose of it, we may never get another chance.
As long as the Treaty is pending in the Senate, ratification is all that's needed to make this gun grab reality -- regardless of who occupies the White House or their position on the Treaty!
The good news is, U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has introduced legislation (S.R. 204) to remove the U.N.'s "Small Arms Treaty" from Senate consideration and send it back to the White House. Now it's up to you and me to muscle it through.
So will you please sign your "NO U.N. GUN BAN" petitions IMMEDIATELY and return them with your most generous contribution of $25, $10, or $5 TODAY? The National Association for Gun Rights, Inc. is a non-profit, tax-exempt advocacy organization under section 501(c)4 of the IRC. Contributions or gifts to NAGR are not tax deductible for IRS purposes. The National Association for Gun Rights' mailing address is P.O. Box 1776, Loveland, Colorado 80539. They can be contacted toll-free at 1-877-405-4570. Its web address is www.NationalGunRights.orgNot produced or e-mailed at taxpayer expense.