Mid October AVFCA Blog Posts!
In case you missed our last few articles published in October by A Voice for Choice Advocacy writers, links are below...Be sure to sign up for AVFCA's Substack to get these weekly articles https://avoiceforchoice.substack.com or check our Blog https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/blog.
Monosodium Glutamate (MSG): The FDA’s Newest Health Food
Exploring the FDA’s recent recommendation to use MSG—monosodium glutamate—as a salt replacement, given there are studies linking its consumption to a variety of health risks. Should salt intake be reduced across the board or should the focus be on the quality vs. quantity of salt?
AVFCA Blog: https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/monosodium-glutamate-msg-the-fdas-newest-health-food/
Substack: https://avoiceforchoice.substack.com/p/monosodium-glutamate-msg-the-fdas
Californian Restaurateur Standing Strong After Pushing Back Against COVID-19 Constraints
While many restaurants closed during the pandemic, Chef Andrew Gruel took a stand for freedom, and decided to stay open. Based on an interview in which he spoke about the challenge in doing so, and how teamwork—listening closely, and taking his staff’s needs into consideration—was the most important ingredient.
AVFCA Blog: https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/californian-restaurateur-standing-strong-after-pushing-back-against-covid-19-constraints/
Substack: https://avoiceforchoice.substack.com/p/californian-restaurateur-standing
During the first half of October, AVFCA brought awareness to specific observance days by sharing our original stories that matched these themes:
World Vegetarian Day: "“Apeel” Fruit and Vegetable Protective Coating Is Not So Appealing When You Break It Down”
“Apeel” is a fruit and vegetable coating designed to extend shelf life of the product. There are questions about the safety of this “coating,” including being added to organic certified produce. There may be health risks involved; the research is still young at this point. https://tinyurl.com/AVFCA-APEEL
Child Health Day: "Masking Children in the Name of Protection: The Dangers of Prolonged Use”
Since 2020, when COVID-19 kicked off a flurry of rules in the name of public health, masking everyone—including young children—has been painted by authorities as a risk-free measure to prevent the spread of infection. However, we must consider the downsides to concealing a major portion of children’s faces—especially when they’re prone to nearly zero risk of serious illness. https://tinyurl.com/AVFCA-MASKS
No Disposable Cup Day: "Bottled Water vs. Tap: Intentionally Sourcing Your Hydration”
A comparison of tap water vs. bottled water. Unfortunately neither is great, as there are problems from the bottled water leaching plastics, as well as contamination and toxins such as lead coming from the tap. Results were released from a bill (AB 249) authored in 2018; findings showed excessive amounts of lead in school drinking water. https://tinyurl.com/bottledwatervstap
World Mental Health Day: "The Societal Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Where Do We Go From Here?”
Flash back a few years when extreme social pressure, psychological trauma, and isolation were outcomes of mainstream society’s response to the COVID-19 “pandemic.” We broke down the details to help you make wise decisions for yourself, and inform friends, family, and acquaintances. https://tinyurl.com/CV-SOCIALIMPACT
National Face Your Fears Day: "Collective Hypnosis: When Fear Takes On a Life of Its Own”
Moving through life in a collective trance equates to a dumbed-down society. Cast under the spell of group think, especially in isolation, we may search outside ourselves to be rescued. To rise above the mass hysteria, we must speak our truths regardless of popular opinion. https://tinyurl.com/AVFCA-FEAR
Seed Gathering Season: "Hidden Glyphosates in Your Food: Part One - How to Determine What's Safe For Consumption”
Making sense of the use of glyphosate in your food supply is not an easy task. The prevalence of man-made chemicals in your food, water, cosmetic, and household products is widespread and insidious. The links between contact to harmful chemicals—internally and externally—and unwanted health conditions have been made. https://tinyurl.com/glyphosate-in-your-food
Our team also reads hundreds of articles each week, and those of interest are shared on our social media platforms. However, once or twice a week, our team reads an article that is profound or shares a perspective that is new or from an expert that AVFCA feels should be highlighted. These articles are shared on our Substack.
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Together we can make change happen!
Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]
