Friend of Trevor,
My name is Dennis, and I am proud to be a Trevor Project sponsor, donor, and volunteer crisis counselor. I'm excited to write to you, a fellow member of Trevor’s community, during LGBTQ History Month.
I grew up when homosexuality was considered a psychiatric disorder, and you could be arrested for congregating with other men. As a young person, I had no allies — no one who would listen to me talk about my feelings without judgment. Had Trevor existed then, I'm sure my youth would've been a happier time of my life.
I’m honored to be a supportive adult for the many LGBTQ young people I communicate with during my shifts as a crisis counselor — to give what I didn’t have when I was struggling. I also know that my financial support helps ensure that Trevor can provide free, secure, 24/7/365 suicide prevention and crisis intervention services. Today, I ask you to please deepen your commitment to ending LGBTQ youth suicide by making your first gift to Trevor.
Together with Trevor and its partners, we’ll build a more loving and less hostile world for LGBTQ young people — one in which they can envision their own bright futures.