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Our work continues...
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Sunstorm stories graphic. White letters and a microphone overlayed on a yellow sun and gray clouds with a blue background.

Sunstorm Stories

In collaboration with Foundations for Divergent Minds, Seeded Ground, and the John Hopkins’ Disability Health Research Center, NDRN is proud to release 10 new Sunstorm Stories! This project continues our efforts to prioritize the pandemic experiences of people of color with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities. The stories are featured in short narrative videos and are reflective of Covid’s lingering impact on the disability community.

These lived experiences highlight the critical need for more Black, Indigenous & other Leaders of Color with disabilities across all public health systems. Throughout the series, featured storytellers offer messages of solidarity while also urging medical professionals to meaningfully improve inclusion, enhance access and prevent discriminatory treatment.

Check out the first five Sunstorm 2023 stories as storytellers share their experiences, ideas, and recommendations for how we can collectively build a more equitable public healthcare system.


Beef is Brewing: Back to School Special

On this episode of our podcast, the gang sits down with Julie Salih-Worth to talk about her experiences as a teacher with disabilities and how the education system could do more to meet the needs of students and educators with disabilities alike.

Then we’re joined by Allyson Matthews, a student who is advocating for herself in the IEP process. Tune in here!

A rally in front of the U.S. Capitol Building

Shaping National Disability Policy

Part of NDRN's mission is to advocate for the enactment and vigorous enforcement of laws, regulations, and policies protecting the civil and human rights of people with disabilities. Check out some of our latest work:

NDRN applauds the introduction of the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act

Comments on Website Accessibility

Reject Provisions Restricting Access to Essential Health Care

Protect Against AI Generated Financial Fraud

NDRN Joins Letter to White House on Year Anniversary of “United We Stand” Summit

the United States Capitol Building

Take Action: Tell Congress to pass the Disaster Relief Medicaid Act

The Act would ensure that individuals eligible for Medicaid who are forced to relocate due to a disaster or public health emergency are able to continue to access their critical Medicaid supported services.

Dollar bills planted in soil.

Consider Donating to Support Our Work

Our work in Washington, DC and around the country only happens because of generous people like you who believe in us. If you think it is important for NDRN to continue to protect and advocate for the rights of people with disabilities, please donate today. Thank you!

National Disability Rights Network
820 First Street NE Suite 740 | Washington, District of Columbia 20002
(202) 408-9514 | [email protected]

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