"The U. S. conducts prisoner swaps. Only recently, it did one with Iran. Why wouldn't it conduct a prisoner swap with us? After all, it is participating in this war. Biden, the highest authority in the U. S. , declared that he stands with Israel against ...
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Senior Hamas Official: Biden’s $6 BILLION to Iran for 5 Hostages Was the Impetus for Kidnapping Women, Children, Elderly
“The U.S. conducts prisoner swaps. Only recently, it did one with Iran. Why wouldn't it conduct a prisoner swap with us? After all, it is participating in this war. Biden, the highest authority in the U.S., declared that he stands with Israel ...

GOP RINOs Are Working Deal to Give Speakership to Radical Democrat Hakeem Jeffries and Give Power Back to Dems
This is what we are up against – what Trump has been up against since 2016, snakes in our bed.

We have been betrayed at every turn by this scumbags.

NAME the traitors. We will primary them the hell out.

NAME 'em. ...

Senior Hamas Official: We’ve Been Secretly Planning The Invasion For Two Years [Since Biden’s Afghanistan Catastrophe]
The Jews “are known to love life. We, on the other hand, sacrifice ourselves. We consider our dead to be martyrs. The thing any Palestinian desires the most is to be martyred for the sake of Allah, defending his land.”

This is not ...

WATCH: Genocidal Jew Haters Attack Attack People with Israeli Flags at a Protest in Los Angeles, USA
This is what the Democrats want to bring more of into this country. Hate, bigotry, genocide,

You know these riots are going to get more violent. Think BLM.

NEW: Pro-Palestine protest turns violent against Israel supporters as Los Angeles ...

HUUUGE: Trump-Backed Republican WINS Louisiana Governor In Election STUNNER
Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry has won election to Governor.He received over 50% of the vote in the primary to avoid a runoff. It's the first GOP win for that seat in eight years

It's a mjor win. Republicans haven't

That's a flip of ...

Henry Kissinger’s Volte-Face: He Now Warns of Muslim Migrant Danger
Henry Kissinger’s Volte-Face: He Now Warns of Muslim Migrant Danger

By Hugh Fitzgerald

The scales have fallen from the eyes of Henry Kissinger. He was a signatory in 2015 to a letter that urged Congress to pass legislation allowing more ...

‘GAZA Act‘: Republicans Introduce Legislation to Ban Biden Regime from Importing Palestinians to USA After Democrats Call For a Million Gazan Immigrants
Missing from this act is a mandate to deport those migrants who support genocide and barbarity.

Of course, Biden will merely arrange transport to Mexico and then voila! In through the open southern border.

Democrats Call for U.S. to Take in ...

“Innocent Civilians?” Civilians From Gaza Crossed Border and Took Part in the Unspeakable War Crimes Against Jews
Not only did the civilian population in Gaza elect Hamas, the civilian population in Gaza streamed across the border and tortured, beat, slaughtered, kidnapped and torched Jews to death.

“Innocent civilians?” I think not. Gazans ought to be ...

AXIS OF EVIL: Iran’s Foreign Minister Meets with Hamas Leader in Qatar
Iran and Hamas on Qatari soil should trigger immediate legislation threatening tough economic penalties for all countries that harbor Hamas. The Qatari state sponsors of Hamas are trying to lure Biden into an indirect hostage negotiation with Iran ...

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