Your Signature Is Needed: Save monarch butterflies from Bayer-Monsanto’s dangerous pesticides!Sign the petition now! >>  

Perched on a backyard fence, a beautiful bright orange monarch butterfly searches desperately for a spot for her offspring. Milkweed plants are the ONLY place these iconic butterflies can reproduce and lay their eggs. And once her baby caterpillars hatch, milkweed will be their ONLY source of food. To put it bluntly, monarchs CANNOT SURVIVE without milkweed.  

But where has all the milkweed gone, Friend? Over the last 20 years, 850 million milkweed plants have disappeared, while an alarming 90% of the North American monarch population has DIED OUT.  

Now, these epic butterflies are officially ENDANGERED. Meanwhile, Bayer-Monsanto continues to contribute to their decline by pushing sales of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup. The Big Pesticide corporation has even been caught lying to the public -- manipulating science and evading pesticide regulations to cover up the truth of how DANGEROUS Roundup really is!  

We can’t let Bayer-Monsanto get away with their greedy lies that could push endangered monarch butterflies to EXTINCTION. Please step up now and fight back! >>

Bayer-Monsanto’s profit-driven lies and manipulation don’t just harm monarchs and other endangered pollinators that are critical to our ecosystems, Friend.  

Glyphosate has been linked to cancer, reproductive harm, and other serious health risks in humans -- with children being the most susceptible to exposure!

Yet despite KNOWING these dangers, Bayer-Monsanto still willingly continues to put profits above people, pollinators, and the planet. But even with the MILLIONS of dollars that the powerful company pours into covering up the TRUTH about how UNSAFE Roundup really is, we know that YOU won’t be fooled by Bayer-Monsanto’s deceitful lies, Friend.  

That’s why we’re coming to you today to help us reach 5,312 more signatures on our petition telling Bayer-Monsanto to clean up its act and STOP selling toxic Roundup immediately.Can we count on you to add your name RIGHT NOW before 11:59 P.M. tonight?

Thanks for protecting our pollinators against corporate greed,  
Friends of the Earth 
