Biggs for

BREAKING: Dem Establishment makes its Super Tuesday move

The Democrat establishment class finally made its move. They're going to do everything to rig their primary against Crazy Bernie.

They did it in 2016, and they're using the same playbook in 2020.

After they steal the election from Bernie, the Dem establishment and their army of leftist billionaire donors are going to turn their focus on President Trump and every single Republican on the ballot.

From the Russian Collusion hoax to their impeachment scam, the Democrats are prepared to spend millions on a crooked and deceptive propaganda campaign to steal this election.

They've already poured millions into Arizona and into my seat in advertising and a corrupt ballot harvesting scheme. If the Dems see record turnout in our Primary Election, they'll flood us in the General Election.

President Trump and I need your immediate support if we're going to stop the Democrats from stealing my seat and Arizona.

The Democrats' willingness to abandon the rules and do anything to implement their leftist, open borders agenda makes it even more critical for Republicans to unite and stop their assault on our institutions.

Will you stand with me to protect my seat, Arizona and President Trump's re-election by making a critical Super Tuesday contribution today?

Thank you,

Andy Biggs
Member of Congress

Paid for by Biggs for Congress

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