From Ruben Gallego <[email protected]>
Subject My opponent
Date October 15, 2023 1:39 PM
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Kari Lake announced her campaign for U.S. Senate in Arizona this week. With Trump’s endorsement, she’s surely raking in pledges of support and donations from the MAGA-right — money she will use to run a vicious campaign. And she will spend every dollar she raises to beat me.

If that’s all you need to hear, I am personally asking you to make a donation to my campaign today — before our mid-month deadline at midnight. Kari Lake isn’t going to have any problem raking in big checks from the MAGA faithful, but we can’t count on airdrops of cash from billionaires to save us. We’d never run a campaign like that. Virtually every single dollar we raise comes from people like you. And that’s why I need you to chip in today.

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With the Senate hanging in the balance and Arizona the most critical swing state in the nation, there are a lot of eyes on this race. Now that Lake has announced — with Trump’s enthusiastic endorsement — it is more important than ever that we do everything we can to win in Arizona.

And I’m not just running against Kari Lake. Kyrsten Sinema is set to announce her campaign any day now. She has nearly $11 million in the bank — a massive sum to start a campaign with. And just like Kari Lake, she’ll spend whatever she must to beat me and save her job in the Senate.

I’ve never run statewide before. Both Lake and Sinema have. Millions of people are going to see my name on the ballot for the first time next year. I need to raise a huge amount of money to meet those voters and make sure they know the stakes in this election.

So with Lake officially in the race, please: Chip in to my campaign today. It would be your first donation, but an important one. To win in Arizona, and to save the Senate. I hope I can count on you.

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When I was just a kid, sleeping on the floor in the apartment my mom got us after my dad left, I never would’ve thought this is how it would end up — running for Senate to defend our democracy. But here we are.

It means a lot to me that you have my back.

Thank you.


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