URGENT ACTION NEEDED: The last 75 Southern Resident orcas are in critical DANGER of going EXTINCT. Sign the petition now >>
FIRST → we lost the beloved matriarch, Marina.
SHORTLY AFTER → her playful pod member, Cappuccino, was also presumed dead.
AND THEN → the deceased body of a juvenile male believed to be that of young Ripple was found entangled in crab gear off the coast in Oregon.
NOW → the remaining precious orcas in this pod are struggling to survive due to climate change, ocean pollution, vessel disturbance, and lack of food.
The increase in commercial fishing by large, profit-driven corporations has led to a drastic decline in Chinook salmon in the Pacific Northwest. Without this vital food source, Southern Resident orcas are suffering from major stress, malnutrition, and starvation.
Friend, unless we take steps to replenish the Chinook salmon population immediately, these endangered whales won't stand a chance. We're demanding bold action from the National Marine Fisheries Service to STOP overfishing and bycatch from driving orcas to EXTINCTION. Will you step up right now to help SAVE these iconic orcas from being WIPED OUT forever?
The Pacific Northwest waters were once abundantly flowing with food supply for orcas. But industrial overfishing by greedy corporations has contributed to the extinction of 159 Chinook salmon populations -- that's almost HALF of the historic salmon runs!
Meanwhile, the Southern Resident killer whale population is at its LOWEST point since the 1970s. The threats to orcas have gotten so severe that scientists predict that these iconic marine animals could be EXTINCT within the next few decades.
At this very moment, while you're reading this email, Southern Resident orcas are CLINGING TO SURVIVAL. Hungry, weak, and desperate for food, these iconic whales are counting on environmentalists like you to be their voice, Friend. Please don't let these orcas down, Friend. Take action NOW before it's too late >>
Thanks for your help saving orcas,
Friends of the Earth