Fellow Patriot, Campaign for Liberty staff has faxed thousands of your Stop the Surveillance State petitions to Capitol Hill.
If you signed a petition or postcard, THANK YOU.
But we need to do more, and we need to act fast.
I’ll fill you in below, but first, please call your representative and senators at 202-224-3121 and tell them to oppose any legislation
reauthorizing the USA FREEDOM Act. Sources told us the Deep Staters in Congress were
going to include reauthorization in the funding bill for the Coronavirus, but the pressure from patriots like you is causing Congress to rethink that
backdoor plan. Today, President Donald Trump is coming to Capitol Hill to discuss renewing the
misnamed USA FREEDOM Act — and the possibility of using it as a vehicle to reform the secret FISA Court — with senators and
representatives on both sides of the issue. Meanwhile, following last week’s
“indefinite postponement” of the House Judiciary Committee’s consideration of legislation reauthorizing USA FREEDOM, House Majority
Leader Steny Hoyer and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy are drafting a USA FREEDOM reauthorization bill. . .
If history is any guide, the Hoyer-McCarthy bill will likely contain some minor “reforms” that, upon close inspection, do
little or nothing to rein in the surveillance state. For example, Hoyer says the bill will end
the collection of “metadata” information that allows the snoop state to identify who you are calling and learn much more about your
personal and professional life. . . But Hoyer and McCarthy are likely to follow Reps. Jerrold
Nadler and Adam Schiff’s lead in ending the metadata program but giving the surveillance state other ways of obtaining our phone calls, texts,
tweets, and social media posts. . . . . . as long as the government “promptly”
destroys the records. President Trump’s Capitol Hill visit, combined with Hoyer and
McCarthy’s efforts to draft new legislation, means that USA FREEDOM reauthorization legislation could be put on a fast-track to passage within a
matter of days. So please call your senators and your
representative NOW at 202-224-3121 and tell them to oppose any legislation reauthorizing the USA Freedom Act. And make sure to share this with as many pro-liberty friends and family as possible.
It has been almost 20 years since Congress passed the USA PATRIOT Act. At the time, we
were told we needed to give federal snoops virtually unchecked power to conduct mass surveillance and warrantless wiretapping “for our own
safety.” But these powers have not stopped a single terrorist attack!
What they have done is allow the government to invade our privacy and led to a series of abuses. . .
. . . like LOVEINT, the name given to the common practice of National Security Agency (NSA) employees spying on
former spouses and significant others. Surveillance authorities have even recorded
confidential communications between attorneys and their clients, undermining one of the pillars of the western legal system.
It is time for Congress to stop forcing Americans
to give up real liberty for imagined security. So please call your
senators and representative at 202-224-3121 and tell them to oppose any legislation renewing the expiring provisions of the USA FREEDOM
Act. The report detailing how the FBI abused its power — with the blessing of the FISA Court — to
investigate Trump campaign official Carter Page made even staunch defenders of FISA admit this secret court and the surveillance bureaucracy needs to
be reined in. But President Trump has made contradictory statements on this issue and,
without pressure from grassroots liberty activists, born-again FISA opponents like Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) may join Adam Schiff (D-CA) and
Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) in supporting a RINO (Reform in Name Only) bill. This would mean missing
another opportunity to start rolling back the surveillance state! Only legislation that truly
limits unconstitutional surveillance and warrantless wiretapping is welcome as a step toward restoring our lost liberties.
However, the fact is our rights will not be fully protected until the USA FREEDOM Act is repealed and the FISA Court is
forced to abide by the same constitutional standards requiring federal agents show probable cause before obtaining permission to gather evidence
against U.S. citizens. So please call your representative and senators at 202-224-3121 and tell
them to oppose any reauthorization of the USA Freedom Act. In Liberty,
Norm Singleton chip in |