Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester banner image

Dear friend,

The horrific violence we’re watching unfold in Israel and Gaza is heartbreaking. I stand with Israel and its people, and my commitment to the safety and security of Israel remains unwavering. Our ultimate goal must be peace in the region. 

My staff and I put together a resource page on my website for U.S. citizens in Israel and the region. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact my office. My staff and I remain ready to assist Delawareans during this evolving situation.

This Week in Washington


New Week, Still No Speaker


In last week’s newsletter, I provided you with an update on the Motion to Vacate against Speaker McCarthy. The House voted to remove him from the Speakership and now, it is up to the Republican conference to find a consensus on his successor. 


Until a new speaker is elected, the House is at a standstill. We can't pass government funding – which is now set to expire on November 17 – and we are unable to provide aid to Israel and Ukraine. 


Yesterday, Democrats came together on the steps of the Capitol to encourage our colleagues to choose a bipartisan path forward. It is my hope that our Republican friends will come to the table to work in a bipartisan way for the good of our institution and our country to elect a speaker so that Congress can get back to addressing the pressing needs of the American people.


I will be sure to keep you updated.

This Week in Delaware


Bringing Clean Energy Production and Good-Paying Jobs to Delaware


Delaware is about to be the center of our energy future.

On Friday, President Biden, along with the U.S. Department of Energy, announced that the Mid-Atlantic Clean Hydrogen Hub (MACH2) was one of seven hubs nationally selected to receive up to $750 million in funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to advance clean hydrogen production. Hydrogen is the fuel of tomorrow and can be used to power planes, trains, cars, and ships! This hub includes Delaware, Southeastern Pennsylvania, and South Jersey and is a testament to the strength of our workforce and our commitment to building a clean energy economy in our region and across the nation. As Delaware’s former Secretary of Labor, and the author of a Jobs Agenda earlier this year, I’m excited that this investment is expected to create 20,000 good-paying union jobs in our region. To learn more, you can visit my website and watch my video announcement below:

Celebrating 10 Years of Bloom Energy


At the start of this week, I joined Bloom Energy for its 10-year anniversary celebration. We named a new training facility after the late Major General Carol Timmons, who served as the first female Adjutant General of the Delaware National Guard, and we celebrated the past decade of Bloom’s vision, growth, and innovation here in the First State.

Above: Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester and Lynn Timmons, wife of the late Major General Carol Timmons.



Service Academy Applications Due THIS MONDAY


Applications for Service Academy Nominations through my office are due this Monday, October 16th by COB. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to attend one of our nation’s prestigious service academies. For more information and eligibility, please visit my website here.

Less Than One Month for Internship Applications!

Internship applications for my Washington, DC, and Delaware offices for the spring of 2024 are now being accepted! Complete applications are due Thursday, November 9th by COB. This is an excellent opportunity for young people to learn public service first-hand and gain experience working in a congressional office. For more information on how to apply, please visit my website here.


Recently, my casework team was contacted by Walter, whose father served in World War II. Walter wanted to learn more about his father's decades-long service in the U.S. Coast Guard. After talking with my office and filling out a release form, my casework team was able to reach out to the National Archives and Records Administration on his behalf to track down his father’s full military record and awards. Now, Walter knows his father’s story and the journey of his selfless service to our nation.

If you ever need assistance with Veterans Affairs benefits and services, please contact my office. My team is happy to help.

Above: Walter and Krista Weed, Senior Caseworker.

Yours in service,

Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester signature image

Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester

Member of Congress

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Washington, DC Office

1724 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4165

Wilmington District Office

1105 N. Market Street

Suite 400

Wilmington, DE 19801
Phone: (302) 830-2330

Georgetown District Office

28 The Circle

Suite 2

Georgetown, DE 19947
Phone: (302) 858-4773