Tammy Duckworth


Will today be the day that you make your first online contribution to Tammy's campaign?

Let us explain:

We know not everyone can give every time we ask, and we completely understand that. But even $3 – or any amount you can afford to give – goes a long way towards helping Tammy support her colleagues in close swing states so that together we can defend the Democratic majority in the Senate.

Right now, the stakes are simply too high to leave anything to chance. If Democrats lose even one Senate seat in 2024, we run the risk of Republicans undermining all of the progress we've made together.

And believe us, Mitch McConnell knows it too. That’s why the NRSC and right-wing super PACs are already launching attack ads against Democrats running in critical races across the country.

The attack ads are only going to ramp up as we get closer to the election, which is why it’s going to take ALL OF US to defend our Senate majority this cycle. So please:

Can you please make a donation of $3 to Tammy today? She’s working hard to help out her colleagues in close races and every dollar makes a big difference.


Thanks in advance for chipping in if you can.

Team Duckworth


Paid For By Tammy For Illinois

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