Washington, D.C. – I woke up on Saturday stunned by Hamas’ terrorist attack on Israel. This was the most horrific evil against the Jewish people since the Holocaust and the scenes out of Israel have been devastating. The State of Israel must do everything in their power to eliminate the Hamas terrorist threat and the United States of America must stand with our dear ally Israel to help them win this just war against a genocidal threat.

I am absolutely in favor of emergency aid and resupplying Israel’s arms and weaponry, especially to keep the Iron Dome up and running to protect their cities and people.

If you or your loved ones are in Israel and attempting to make it back to the United States, our office is here to help. We will make every effort to assist U.S. Citizens and their family members in need. If you are a North Texan in need of assistance, please call our District Office at (972) 966-5500 or email [email protected]

***If you’re in need of immediate assistance, contact the closest U.S. embassy or consulate by using the State Department’s crisis intake form: https://cacms.state.gov/s/crisis-intake.***  

I launched a digital hub with resources for American citizens in Israel. We’re working around the clock to keep North Texans informed and will continue to update this page as new information becomes available. 


As part of our commitment to keeping our community safe, our office is also sending out daily email updates with security and travel information. To sign up, please email [email protected].


In the wake of these horrific attacks, I joined more than 400 of my colleagues to show our strong support for Israel as it defends itself against these evil attacks. (You can read more about this resolution in the Work of the Week section). 

In addition to our work to support Israel, I joined over 100 of my Republican colleagues to introduce a bill to refreeze the $6 billion dollars given to the Iranian government as part of a deal made by Biden. I strongly disagreed with the Administration's dangerous decision to give these funds to Tehran given the potential for it to be used to harm Americans. You can read more about this bill here.

Hamas’ terrorist attacks further underscore the urgency of electing a new Speaker of the House and getting back to work. I’m working to be part of the solution by finding compromise amid the division. As always, I want to hear from you on the many important issues we face.

We are exactly five weeks away from the deadline to fund the government. With unprecedented illegal immigration at our Southern border, immense government spending fueling inflation and hurting working families, and the barbaric murder of innocent Israelis at the hands of Hamas, we can’t afford to be distracted. As I’ve said, Congress should stay in town until we elect a new Speaker and resume working on the remaining appropriations bills.

Texas-24 Work of the Week

This week, I joined a bipartisan effort with more than 400 of my colleagues in standing with Israel as it defends itself from Hamas’ barbaric attacks.

We mourn the slaughtering of all Israelis, including women, children and the elderly. We must be loud in our condemnation of Hamas' brutal war. The United States should be ready to assist Israel as they defend the lives of their people.

Texas-24 Hometown Hero

This week, we’re remembering and honoring WWII Veteran and hero Arthur Watson, who recently passed away in Grapevine at the age of 103.

We are forever grateful for Arthur’s service to our country.

TX-24 Veteran Commendation

The Congressional Veteran Commendation has been created to honor the distinguished veterans around the country and in TX24 and to preserve their stories for future generations of Americans.


Veterans who are nominated must live in the 24th District of Texas (you can check here) and have served our nation with honor consistent with the finest traditions of military service. The nominated veterans must also have served their community as a civilian.


Click here to complete and submit the nomination packet no later than October 18th, 2023 at 5pm.

Rep. Van Duyne in the News

Watch my full Interview with Dana Loesch
Listen to my conversation with Rich Valdes
Watch my interview with Chris Salcedo

Rep. Van Duyne on Twitter

Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your voice in Washington. To stay up to date on what's happening each week, follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. 

Please do not hesitate to contact our office if we can ever be of service to you. 


Congresswoman Beth Van Duyne (TX-24)

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