In 2020, nearly 168 million people will need humanitarian assistance and protection. Additionally, 5.6 million children still die each year of preventable and treatable diseases, and the number of hungry people is rising for the first time in a decade.

That is why, in the wake of the President's proposed 22% cut to the FY 2021 international affairs budget, we want you to have InterAction's latest resources, the 2020 Global Situation Report and the FY 2021 Choose to Invest budget recommendation report. 

For the tenth year in a row, InterAction has prepared Choose to Invest, our annual budget recommendations for international poverty-focused development and humanitarian programming. 

Learn More

Developed with input from InterAction's NGO members, the 2020 Global Situation Report highlights 5 global trends that are currently impacting development and humanitarian work and provides one-page analyses on 34 countries and regions

Read the Report
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