Q-Tips, Ben & Jerry’s, and Mayonnaise?
Vox wrote an exclusive on Economic
Liberties’ out-of-the-gate feature illuminating how
dozens, even hundreds, of common brands are
owned by a handful of conglomerates.
Read Vox's coverage here and browse the full re-
port here.
Trump Admin: What Monopoly Problem?
Economic Liberties criticized the annual Econom-
ic Report of the President as “divorced from reali-
ty.” Read The New York Times’ coverage
Coronavirus and Concentrated Power
Matt Stoller's article in Wired on how economic
concentration combined with an impending pan-
demic could hurt our economy and politics
went ... viral. (Sorry.) Read it here.
Regulate Us, Really
After Facebook released a self-serving plan for
regulating social media, Sarah Miller explained
how following Facebook's lead would fortify its
power. Watch here on Bloomberg TV.
Corporate Scale and China
Matt Stoller debated Rob Atkinson of the Infor-
mation Technology and Innovation Foundation on
the relationship of corporates scale to the chal-
lenge of China before Senator Marco Rubio's
Project for Strong Labor Markets and National
Development. Read more in Matt's popular news-
letter, BIG.