Today marks two years since we embarked on our groundbreaking journey with the Ballot Measure Rescue Campaign (BMRC). When we set out with this $5 million dedicated initiative, our primary goal was to safeguard one of the most cherished tools in our democratic process: ballot measures. Two years ago, we solemnly committed to uphold the essence of direct democracy and the power vested in voters. Reflecting upon these years, I'm proud to share that we've risen to the challenge.
On this significant 2-year milestone of our transformative campaign, would you consider supporting us with a donation? Your contributions will fuel our mission to keep defending the sanctity of ballot measures in the coming years.
Back in 2021, 87 proposed bills threatened to cripple the ballot measure process. Fast forward to today, and the onslaught hasn't relented. We're seeing even more audacious attempts by extremists, some of whom are exploiting ballot measures to limit the very power of these tools.
And that's not all. Last year in South Dakota we fought back and WON against Amendment C, another campaign that was working to make ballot measures harder in attempts to stop Medicaid expansion.
However, these two ballot measures are not isolated events. We've seen these attacks before, and they'll continue to come our way.
The Ballot Measure Rescue Campaign is ever-vigilant and ever-ready. Whether it calls for litigation, aggressive campaigns to halt detrimental laws, or pushing back against suppressive measures on the ballot, we are here to rise, resist, and reaffirm our commitment.
In ensuring the continuity and effectiveness of this fight, we turn to supporters like you, friend. As we mark the 2-year landmark of our BMRC, might you bolster our efforts with your donation?
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation to the Fairness Project will go through immediately:
Warm regards,
Kelly Hall
Executive Director
Fairness Project