Permitting reform will be tough when the federal government subsidizes the opposition.
The Daily Caller (10/12/23) reports: "The Biden administration is cutting a $400,000 check to an environmentalist group that was engaged in legal warfare against the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) just months ago. The Department of Energy announced Wednesday that it will award the funds to Appalachian Voices through the agency’s Buildings Upgrade Prize program to facilitate 'the transformation of existing U.S. buildings into more energy-efficient and clean energy-ready homes, commercial spaces and communities.' Appalachian Voices sued alongside the Sierra Club and other environmentalist groups in April to stop the MVP’s construction, a challenge which the Fourth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ultimately dismissed in August."
"Meanwhile, over in Europe, I doubt that many people are abandoning the green movement based on complex spreadsheet calculations of the costs involved. Rather, most of them are starting to face up to reality because of some combination of skyrocketing electricity bills and plans to ban gas heat and internal combustion cars."
– Francis Menton - Manhattan Contrarian