It’s no secret that Black voters and Black lawmakers in the South have been the target of voter suppression efforts throughout history. 

It’s no secret that Black voters have been the target of voter suppression efforts throughout American history.

Right now, that voter suppression takes the form of racial gerrymandering, burdensome voter ID laws, massive voter purges, and the list goes on. In 2020, extremists saw Black voters’ record voter turnout across the country and the impact it made on the outcome of elections — and now they’re trying to stifle that power.

Fair Fight Action works to build and strengthen the voting power of communities of color, especially in the South — so we’ll continue to advocate against laws that seek to silence Black voters. And when polling locations or ID requirements change, or if issues arise in the voting process, we’ll continue to reach voters with the resources they need to cast their ballots.

Will you chip in to fuel our work to educate, mobilize, and advocate for voters of color as voter suppression efforts ramp up?

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There’s a long, painful history of preventing Black voters from accessing the ballot box.

Even after the 15th Amendment was ratified and extended the freedom to vote to Black men, Black voters in Georgia and across the South were still denied the right to vote for nearly a century, facing poll taxes, literacy tests, and violent threats from the KKK if they attempted to vote.

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was passed to remove Jim Crow-era barriers, and it ushered in a new era of Black political participation, but the Supreme Court has been gutting the law’s protections for the past decade. Some cowardly and bigoted lawmakers are still determined to place hurdles between Black voters and the ballot box because they’re afraid they’d lose their power once Black Americans are able to fully use theirs.

But no matter the obstacles that anti-voter extremists throw in our way, Fair Fight Action will remain committed to helping Black voters maintain their registrations, get out to vote, and have that vote counted. And supporters like you make it possible. Chip in anything you can to help build even stronger Black voting power in the South.

Thank you

The Fair Fight Action Team