
When I first announced I would be running for the Senate, I pledged that we would build a grassroots movement that wouldn’t leave anyone behind.

For the past eight months, that’s exactly what we’ve been doing.

My team and I are leaving no stone unturned to reach voters in every corner of California. With tens of millions of voters across the state and more than ⅓ of voters undecided in the latest poll, we have a lot of ground to cover to reach every single person.

Will you pitch in $5.80 to help Seth Moulton and my campaign reach voters in all of California’s 58 counties? I’m working to build the largest grassroots movement this state has ever seen, and I’ll need your help to do it.


I won’t beat around the bush, John: Reaching voters across California’s 58 counties will take a lot of resources. But I’m up for the challenge.

Because it’s critical we share our message to voters in Siskiyou.

And win tough districts in the Central Valley.

And boost Democratic turnout in Bakersfield.

And stand up to the GOP’s attacks wherever they come — from San Diego to Santa Rosa.

I am asking you to pitch in a split donation of $5.80 between Seth Moulton and my campaign to help us win in all of California’s 58 counties.

Thank you,

— Adam Schiff

