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October 13th, 2023


It has been another hard-hitting week at America First Legal. Our FOIA lawsuit against the National Archives revealed that then-Vice President Joe Biden’s Office had over 29,000 email exchanges with Hunter and Jim Biden and their businesses, contradicting President Biden's statement that he never discussed business with his son. Last year, we sued President Biden and Secretary Blinken for violating the Taylor Force Act and illegally subsidizing Palestinian terrorism. This week, following barbaric attacks by Hamas — killing 14 Americans and 1000+ other innocent men, women, and children, and with an unknown number of Americans now being held hostage in Gaza — the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas granted our motion to begin discovery in our case. We are going to show what the Biden Administration knew about their plans and the outcomes of their policies. We also released a new whitepaper explaining that the President of the United States has absolute authority over his presidential papers, undermining an essential element of the Biden DOJ’s Mar-a-Lago prosecution. More on all of these critical actions below!

Fighting Illegal Prosecution

America First Legal Whitepaper: The President of the United States Has Absolute Authority Over His Presidential Papers, Undermining An Essential Element of the Biden DOJ’s Mar-a-Lago Prosecution


America First Legal (AFL) released a whitepaper detailing why–as a matter of constitutional law, the Presidential Records Act (PRA), and historical practice–the President of the United States has absolute authority over presidential papers.  [READ MORE]

America First Legal Whitepaper: The President of the United States Has Absolute Authority Over His Presidential Papers, Undermining An Essential Element of the Biden DOJ’s Mar-a-Lago Prosecution


America First Legal (AFL) released a whitepaper detailing why–as a matter of constitutional law, the Presidential Records Act (PRA), and historical practice–the President of the United States has absolute authority over presidential papers.  [READ MORE]

Fighting to Uphold Law Prohibiting Use of Taxpayer Funds to Subsidize Terrorism

America First Legal Secures Key Procedural Victory in its Lawsuit to Stop the Biden Administration from Violating the Taylor Force Act By Subsidizing Terrorism with American Tax Dollars

America First Legal (AFL) secured a key victory in its case filed on behalf of Stuart and Robbi Force, Sarri Singer, and Rep. Ronny Jackson against President Biden and Secretary of State Blinken for violating the Taylor Force Act and illegally subsidizing terrorism.  [READ MORE]


Judge lets lawsuit claiming Biden admin knew US funds were aiding Palestinian terrorists move forward

Ronny Jackson, America First Legal Win Right to Examine Biden’s Palestinian Funding

As VP, Joe Biden Emailed His Brother And Son About Foreign Business More Than 29,000 Times

Then-VP Biden's office exchanged nearly 20,000 emails with Hunter Biden, Jim Biden and their businesses associates sparking MORE questions about the extent of the 'Big Guy's' involvement
