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Friday, October 13th, 2023


Bad Money—The Bane of Liberty and Prosperity, Part 1

David Stockman

The Regime Plans More for Us Than Just Hillary Clinton’s “Deprogramming” Demands

Karen Kwiatkowski

Them’s Fightin’ Foods

Tim Hartnett

Don’t Rely on GDP

Alasdair Macleod

The So-Called ‘Alternative’ Media Is Being Taken Over by Imposters, While the World Goes Insane

Gary D. Barnett

Preventatives for the New Scourge of Covid Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Wayne Lusvardi

Russian Views of the Hamas-Israeli Conflict

Paul Craig Roberts

On Israel, the Palestinian Territories and the Doubtful Project of Liberal Peacemaking


People Have a Serious Case of 9/11 Brain Right Now, and It’s Scary

Caitlin Johnstone

On Thin Ice

Charles Hugh Smith

Biden Invokes Mystery Evil to Cover Up U.S. Criminal Responsibility

Finian Cunningham

Top Microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi Calls mRNA Injections ‘Crime Against Humanity’

Frank Wright

Political Theatre

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