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This is the February 2020 issue of the library newsletter.
To view our entire collection of research and to access our resources visit www.drugsandalcohol.ie [
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], Ireland's comprehensive drug and alcohol research library. Follow us on Twitter @HRBdrugslibrary
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Framework for response to the use of illicit substances within higher education. Based on the report
of the Rapid Response Group (RRG) on Use of Illicit Substances within Higher Education.
Rapid Response Group (RRG) on Use of Illicit Substances within Higher Education. (2020) Framework
for response to the use of illicit substances within higher education. Based on the report of the
Rapid Response Group (RRG) on Use of Illicit Substances within Higher Education. Dublin: Department
of Education and Skills.
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Medical Cannabis Access Programme.
Ireland. Department of Health. (2020) Medical Cannabis Access Programme. Dublin: Department of
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Journeying with fear: Young people's experiences of cannabis use, crime and violence before
treatment entry.
Comiskey, Catherine and James, Philip and Smyth, Bobby (2020) Journeying with fear: Young people's
experiences of cannabis use, crime and violence before treatment entry. Journal of Child and
Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing , Early online .
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A future for the world’s children? A WHO–UNICEF–Lancet Commission.
Clark, Helen et al (2020) A future for the world’s children? A WHO–UNICEF–Lancet Commission. The
Lancet, 395, (10224), pp. 605-658.
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Do interruptions to the continuity of methadone maintenance treatment in specialist addiction
settings increase the risk of drug-related poisoning deaths? A retrospective-cohort study.
Durand, Louise and O'Driscoll, Denis and Boland, Fiona and Keenan, Eamon and Ryan, Benedict and
Barry, Joseph and Bennett, Kathleen and Fahey, Tom and Cousins, Gráinne (2020) Do interruptions to
the continuity of methadone maintenance treatment in specialist addiction settings increase the risk
of drug-related poisoning deaths? A retrospective-cohort study. Addiction , Early online .
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Working with families who are experiencing homelessness, poverty, marginalisation and the
seductiveness of substance use.
Murray, Denis (2019) Working with families who are experiencing homelessness, poverty,
marginalisation and the seductiveness of substance use. Feedback - Journal of The Family Therapy
Association of Ireland , (Winter 2019) , pp. 60-70.
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Risk and protective factors for psychotic experiences in adolescence: a population-based study.
McMahon, Elaine M and Corcoran, Paul and Keeley, Helen and Clarke, Mary and Coughlan, Helen and
Wasserman, Danuta and Hoven, Christina W and Carli, Vladimir and Sarchiapone, Marco and Healy, Colm
and Cannon, Mary (2020) Risk and protective factors for psychotic experiences in adolescence: a
population-based study. Psychological Medicine , pp. 1-9.
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Survey: regulatory issues with hemp-based food and food supplements on the Irish market.
Food Safety Authority. (2020) Survey: regulatory issues with hemp-based food and food supplements on
the Irish market. Dublin: Food Safety Authority.
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AIDS Inside and Out: HIV/AIDS and Penal Policy in Ireland and England & Wales in the 1980s and
Weston, Janet and Berridge, Virginia (2020) AIDS Inside and Out: HIV/AIDS and Penal Policy in
Ireland and England & Wales in the 1980s and 1990s. Social History of Medicine , 33 , (1) , pp.
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Lives without fear – what works? Conference report and recommendations.
Quality Matters. (2019) Lives without fear – what works? Conference report and recommendations. In:
Lives without fear – what works, 18 June 2018, Croke Park, Dublin.
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Evaluation of Drinkaware’s alcohol education programme by Maynooth University -Year two commentary.
Drinkaware. (2020) Evaluation of Drinkaware’s alcohol education programme by Maynooth University
-Year two commentary. Dublin: Drinkaware.
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Association between electronic cigarette use and smoking cessation in the European Union in 2017:
analysis of a representative sample of 13 057 Europeans from 28 countries.
Farsalinos, Konstantinos E and Barbouni, Anastasia (2020) Association between electronic cigarette
use and smoking cessation in the European Union in 2017: analysis of a representative sample of 13
057 Europeans from 28 countries. Tobacco Control .
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Enhancing implementation of smoke-free places: a comparative qualitative study across seven European
Mlinarić, Martin and Hoffmann, Laura and Lindfors, Pirjo and Richter, Matthias (2020) Enhancing
implementation of smoke-free places: a comparative qualitative study across seven European cities.
Social Science & Medicine , 247 , p. 112805.
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Evidence Resources
Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 2019.
International Narcotics Control Board. [INCB] (2020) Report of the International Narcotics Control
Board for 2019. Vienna: United Nations. 146 p.
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What is driving serious violence: drugs. “The marketplace is more volatile and violent than it has
ever been”.
Hales, Gavin and du Mont, Sophie and Desroches, Callyane and Redgrave, Harvey . (2020) What is
driving serious violence: drugs. “The marketplace is more volatile and violent than it has ever
been”. London: Crest Advisory. 76 p.
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Review of drugs: executive summary.
Black, Dame Carol . (2020) Review of drugs: executive summary. London: Home Office.
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‘Dignity first’: improving the lives of homeless people who drink and take drugs.
[Drug and Alcohol Findings] (2020) ‘Dignity first’: improving the lives of homeless people who drink
and take drugs. London: Drug and Alcohol Findings. Drug and Alcohol Findings Hot Topics
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Sex, drugs, and early emerging risk: examining the association between sexual debut and substance
use across adolescence.
Clark, D Angus and Donnellan, M Brent and Durbin, C Emily and Nuttall, Amy K and Hicks, Brian M and
Robins, Richard W . (2020) Sex, drugs, and early emerging risk: examining the association between
sexual debut and substance use across adolescence. PLoS ONE, 15 (2 e0228432) doi:
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The association between early life mental health and alcohol use behaviours in adulthood: a
systematic review.
Ning, Ke and Gondek, Dawid and Patalay, Praveetha and Ploubidis, George B [PLOS One] . (2020) The
association between early life mental health and alcohol use behaviours in adulthood: a systematic
review. PLoS ONE, 15 (2 e0228667.) doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0228667
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Self-reported negative outcomes of psilocybin users: a quantitative textual analysis.
Bienemann, Bheatrix and Ruschel, Nina Stamato and Campos, Maria Luiza and Negreiros, Marco Aurélio
and Mograbi, Daniel C . (2020) Self-reported negative outcomes of psilocybin users: a quantitative
textual analysis. PLoS ONE, 15 (2 e0229067) [link removed]
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Addressing the context and consequences of substance use, misuse, and dependence: a global
Tsai, Alexander C and Alegría, Margarita and Strathdee, Steffanie A . (2019) Addressing the context
and consequences of substance use, misuse, and dependence: a global imperative. PLoS Medicine, 16
(11 e1003000)
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Opioid-related treatment, interventions, and outcomes among incarcerated persons: A systematic
Malta, Monica and Varatharajan, Thepikaa and Russell, Cayley and Pang, Michelle and Bonato, Sarah
and Fischer, Benedikt . (2019) Opioid-related treatment, interventions, and outcomes among
incarcerated persons: A systematic review. PLoS Medicine, 16 (12 e1003002)
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Social network interventions for health behaviours and outcomes: a systematic review and
Hunter, Ruth F and de la Haye, Kayla and Murray, Jennifer M and Badham, Jennifer and Valente, Thomas
W and Clarke, Mike and Kee, Frank . (2019) Social network interventions for health behaviours and
outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS Medicine, 16 (9 e1002890)
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Hepatitis C diagnosis and treatment, impact on engagement and behaviour of people who inject drugs,
a service evaluation, the hooked C project.
Caven, Madeleine and Robinson, Emma M and Eriksen, Ann J and Fletcher, Emma H and Dillon, John F .
(2020) Hepatitis C diagnosis and treatment, impact on engagement and behaviour of people who inject
drugs, a service evaluation, the hooked C project. Journal of Viral Hepatitis, Early online
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Importance of a standard unit dose for cannabis research.
Volkow, Nora D and Weiss, Susan RB . (2020) Importance of a standard unit dose for cannabis
research. Addiction, Early online [link removed]
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Anabolic-androgenic steroid users receiving health-related information; health problems, motivations
to quit and treatment desires.
Havnes, Ingrid Amalia and Jørstad, Marie Lindvik and Wisløff, Christine . (2019) Anabolic-androgenic
steroid users receiving health-related information; health problems, motivations to quit and
treatment desires. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 14 (1)
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Prevalence of electronic cigarette dependence among youth and Its association with future use.
Vogel, Erin A and Cho, Junhan and McConnell, Rob S [JAMA] . (2020) Prevalence of electronic
cigarette dependence among youth and Its association with future use. JAMA Network Open, 3 (2
e1921513) 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.21513
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Standardised packaging for tobacco products in England - Evidence of policy impact from the
International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project.
British Heart Foundation, ITC Project. (2020) Standardised packaging for tobacco products in England
- Evidence of policy impact from the International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project.
London: British Heart Foundation and the ITC Project. 8 p.
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Who pays the tab? The distributional effects of UK alcohol taxes.
Bhattacharya, Aveek . (2020) Who pays the tab? The distributional effects of UK alcohol taxes.
London: Institute of Alcohol Studies.
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Drug-related hospital emergency presentations in Europe: update from the Euro-DEN Plus expert
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2020) Drug-related hospital emergency
presentations in Europe: update from the Euro-DEN Plus expert network. Luxembourg: Office of the
European Union.
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Comparative effectiveness of different treatment pathways for opioid use disorder.
Wakeman, Sarah and Larochelle, Marc R and Ameli, Omid and Chaisson, Christine and McPheeters,
Jeffrey Thomas and Crown, William H and Azocar, Francisca and Sanghavi, Darshak M [JAMA] . (2020)
Comparative effectiveness of different treatment pathways for opioid use disorder. JAMA Network
Open, 3 (2: e1920622) 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.20622
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Major anti-drug operation launched.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (27 Feb 2020)
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Colleges must provide alcohol-free student accommodation under new rules.
[Irish Times] O'Brien, Carl (26 Feb 2020)
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Keeping opioid dependents in methadone treatment for longer saves lives, study finds.
[thejournal.ie] Burke, Ceimin (21 Feb 2020)
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Tallaght residents the driving force behind pioneering drug-treatment project.
[Echo.ie] Dennehy, Mary (21 Feb 2020)
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Garda Commissioner signals new drive against drug dealing.
[Irish Times] Lally, Conor (21 Feb 2020)
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Crack houses operating like supermarkets as cocaine use sweeps across Limerick, politicians claim.
[thejournal.ie] Raleigh, David (20 Feb 2020)
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Opinion: It's time to get real about heroin addiction. It's time to decriminalise this drug.
[thejournal.ie] O'Carroll, Austin (19 Feb 2020)
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Study shows Dublin hospital has third highest number of drug-related medical emergencies.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (19 Feb 2020)
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Should fans be allowed drink in the stand at sporting events?
[Irish Times] Croke, Ruaidhri (18 Feb 2020)
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Mandatory minimum sentencing has done little to tackle serious crime.
[Irish Times] Gallagher, Conor (17 Feb 2020)
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Serious drug offenders twice as likely to go to prison as they were a decade ago.
[Irish Times] Gallagher, Conor (17 Feb 2020)
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Reducing drug deaths made national priority under Operation Tara.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (17 Feb 2020)
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Primary school brings court challenge against first Irish supervised injection facility in Dublin.
[Irish Examiner] O'Loughlin, Ann (17 Feb 2020)
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Garda chief injects new urgency into drug war with special units in every division.
[The Sunday Times] Mooney, John (16 Feb 2020)
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Naval staff shortage may see ship tied up while Ireland ‘awash with drugs’.
[Irish Examiner] O'Riordan, Sean (15 Feb 2020)
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Fentanyl: More than 50 NI deaths in four years.
[BBC News Northern Ireland] Glynn, Niall (14 Feb 2020)
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Medical cost fears for families granted access to medicinal cannabis amid reimbursement uncertainty.
[Irish Examiner] English, Eoin (14 Feb 2020)
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Consumers being put at risk and misled with some CBD food supplements.
Food Safety Authority. (13 Feb 2020)
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Group suggests allowing nurses to prescribe methadone.
[Irish Examiner] Baker, Noel (11 Feb 2020)
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Q&A: Here's where Ireland's political parties stand on drugs ahead of GE2020.
[thejournal.ie] Ryan, Orla (07 Feb 2020)
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'It can be lethal' - €27k seizures raise fears of increase in ketamine use in Cork.
[Irish Examiner] Dunphy, Liz (07 Feb 2020)
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High time: Netherlands moves to clean up absurd cannabis policy.
[Irish Times] (06 Feb 2020)
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Cormac O’Keeffe: Pledges galore, but will anything change on the ground?
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (05 Feb 2020)
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Paschal Donohoe: increased tax on cigarettes not effective.
[Irish Examiner] Foxe, Ken (05 Feb 2020)
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Cocaine in Galway: ‘It’s not snowing, there is a blizzard’.
[Irish Times] Hamilton, Andrew (04 Feb 2020)
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Number of drug seizures in Irish prisons increases by nearly 10%.
[Irish Examiner] (03 Feb 2020)
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'A forward step': Former Assistant Garda Commissioner on Ireland's first supervised injecting
[thejournal.ie] Thomas, Conal (02 Feb 2020)
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More needs to be done to stop 'devastating and preventable' drug deaths, support group says.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (01 Feb 2020)
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