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I’m going to get right to the point -- this race is wide open, and today, Super Tuesday, is going to help determine who our nominee is going to be more than any other day in this election to date. It’s game time.

This presidential election is the most important of our lifetime. I am ready to fight with everything I've got to make sure that the American people choose a path of unity, shared purpose, and progress in November – and I believe the best way to do that is by nominating Senator Elizabeth Warren to be the 46th President of the United States.

Elizabeth is talking about what’s broken in our country, sharing her plans to fix it, and building a grassroots movement to get it done. Whether it is child care, college affordability, climate change, health care or taking on corruption in our government -- Elizabeth has a plan for that.

We only win this election if every kind of Democrat turns out -- young, old, black, white, Latinx, queer, and straight. I respect every person in the race, but Elizabeth is the candidate best positioned to make sure that a broad, winning coalition of Democrats turns out on Election Day.

That big, broad turnout is going to determine if we have:

  • Another four years of Trump or a Democratic administration that puts people first.

  • A Democratic Congress or a Republican Congress.

  • Democratic governors, or Republican-dominated state-houses.  


I was proud to early-vote for Senator Warren last week. If you haven't yet voted, I'd urge you to consider voting for big, structural change. We in Massachusetts know Elizabeth best, and today, we have the opportunity to help propel her closer to becoming our nominee for President.

So please, get out there and VOTE! Democracy isn't a spectator sport. We're stronger when we're together, and now is our time to meet the moment and vote for a true visionary who can get the job done.








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Paid for by Lori Trahan for Congress