
Our movement just disrupted a billion-dollar corrupt economy of political favors.

We rejected a system that funds the entire government with one up-or-down vote…

…that backs us into shutdown politics and ties veterans’ benefits to nonsense like LGBT studies in Zimbabwe…

…that lets a small handful of politicians in the Swamp call all the shots…

…and that allows special interests to BUY OFF those politicians so they can put their own priorities over what’s best for the American People.

That system puts us $33T in debt, John. It wrecks our economy. It makes families unable to afford a home. It renders citizens of the greatest nation on Earth to little more than serfs!

So we took a sledgehammer to that system. But now, the Swamp is fighting back. They’re calling me a “vile person,” saying I’m not a “true conservative,” threatening to EXPEL ME from the Republican Caucus, and even trying to call me out for funding my campaign through emails like this one instead of groveling to the lobbyists.

Don’t listen to the Uniparty’s minions. The truth is: we’ve accomplished Step 1 of the plan to get Congress back to working for the American People. Now, with the new Speaker Election underway as we speak, watch my interview below to hear my thoughts on what’s next:


John, I told you I would be relentless, and I won’t rest until we finish what we started.

But with the Swamp threatening me right now, saying they plan to “deal with” me and the other Republicans who voted to remove McCarthy, I could use reinforcements today.

Will you help me forge ahead and continue the next part of our mission with a grassroots donation of $35, $20, $10, or any amount?

🇺🇸 DONATE $35 🇺🇸
🇺🇸 DONATE $20 🇺🇸
🇺🇸 DONATE $10 🇺🇸

Thanks for helping me fight for YOU – not the corrupt interests in the Swamp.

Your humble servant,

Matt Gaetz

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