Roadmap to Hope: How to bring back hope to working-class voters in an age of insecurity
The Conservative Party is haemorrhaging working-class votes across the country under Rishi Sunak’s leadership, particularly those of working age, with Keir Starmer’s Labour Party on course to reverse its historic decline with working-class voters.
New research released by PPI on the eve of the Labour Party Conference in Liverpool shows that the voters that were so crucial to the Conservatives’ majority at the 2019 general election are abandoning the party. Only 44% of working-class voters who voted Conservative in 2019 say they will vote for them next time. 74% of all those polled describe the Conservatives as not close to working-class people, strongly associating them with wealthy individuals and big business.
What They're Saying About the Report:
Working class deserting Tories in droves under Rishi Sunak, poll finds
⮕ The Guardian
London Playbook PM: Polls of the Day
⮕ Politico
The Tories’ Lost Opportunity with Working-Class Voters: How Labour Can Reclaim Their Support
⮕ Vigour Times
Working class voters fleeing Tories under Rishi Sunak, poll finds
⮕ USTimesPost
For victory in 2024, Democrats must win back the working class
By Will Marshall
President and Founder of PPI
For The Hill
The COVID-19 crisis put America’s nurses in the national spotlight. Nurses were some of the most essential heroes of the pandemic — working long hours, putting their health at risk and bearing the emotional strains of more than 1 million deaths. Nurses across type and specialty demonstrated a commitment to public health and safety, reminding us of the importance of having a robust nursing workforce across U.S. communities — so that Americans are in good hands when the next public health crisis occurs.
However, that assurance may be far from reality. Currently, the U.S. has a shortage of 100,000 nurses. While this number is small compared to other industries, and the health care industry at large is seeing job growth in recent Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projections, these numbers don’t represent the full picture.
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In September 1989, the brand-new Progressive Policy Institute published The Politics of Evasion: Democrats and the Presidency. Nearly 33 years later, this political study maintains more than just historical interest today as the Democratic Party once again must wrestle with basic questions of political outlook and electoral strategy.
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Staff Spotlight: Claire Ainsley

Claire Ainsley
Director of the Project on Center-Left Renewal
Claire Ainsley is the Director of the Project on Center-Left Renewal at the Progressive Policy Institute. Prior to joining PPI, Claire was the Executive Director of Policy to Keir Starmer, Leader of the Opposition and U.K. Labour Party. Claire also served as the Executive Director of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, where she led JRF’s work on the social and political attitudes of people with low incomes. She is the author of "The New Working Class: How to Win Hearts, Minds and Votes," which was published in May 2018.