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State Department Resources for Americans Evacuating Israel and Gaza

Dear Neighbor,

I strongly and unequivocally condemn the horrific attack Hamas perpetrated, which has claimed the lives of Israeli families, children and elders. These horrific murders are unacceptable, and my family and I are devastated to see the number of Israelis, Palestinians and Americans killed in the region rise.

Tragically, as of now, we are reading reports of approximately 1,300 Israelis killed and another 3,000 injured; of 1,417 Palestinians killed and 6,250 injured; and 27 Americans killed since Saturday.

In moments of acute global conflict, my focus is always saving civilian lives, and my office is here to do whatever we can to help Americans in the region stay in touch with the Department of State and find their way to safety.


Constituents of mine have been seeking a safe way back to the U.S., and I have been working with colleagues to call on the Department of State to evacuate Americans in the region to safety as quickly as possible. 

I am glad and relieved that the State Department is heeding our calls to pursue chartered flights for Americans seeking to leave Israel. We also need to ensure that Americans trapped in Gaza can be evacuated to the U.S. I urge the State Department to help ensure all Americans in the region are supported without delay, and I will keep pushing to ensure civilian safety be a top priority—for Israeli, Palestinian, and American civilians alike.

In the meantime, U.S. citizens are encouraged to:

Impacted constituents can contact my office directly for support. Our District Office number is 617-850-0040 and folks can also reach out through our website here

To everyone in our district and around the world who is fearful and heartbroken, know that I see you and I will continue to always center the people.

In service and solidarity,

Ayanna Pressley

Member of Congress


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