Dear John,
Like you, I have been watching the horrific events happening in Israel unfold since Saturday. This is the deadliest attack on Jews since the Holocaust - a statement that is almost too painful to write out. Historically, we know that activity in Israel sparks antisemitism around the world, including the United States. Today, on campus, a 'Day of Resistance' has been planned to protest against Israel, further elevating concern for Jewish students. Click here
to see a list of schools where there have been reports of these anti-Israel rallies and use our rapid-response tool to connect to the university leaders of which you are an alum, have a child or family friend attending, or to which you have another connection. We are also continuing our work with K-12 schools as they navigate how to support their students. We recently put out a joint statement
with JCRC of Greater Washington on the failure of many local school districts to acknowledge the massacre of Israeli citizens this weekend & the impact on the local Jewish community.
All of the staff in the ADL Washington, D.C. regional office have been working around the clock to respond to incidents of hate and disseminate information and resources on these attacks. I have also personally spoken with The Washington Post, MoCo360, and
NBC Washington about our work to protect Jewish communities and support solidarity rallies for Israel following these attacks. This is particularly important as there has historically been an inaccurate portrayal of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the news. We hope you will consider signing our ADL petition
to tell media to do better in this time of crisis.
As for solidarity events, if you are in the D.C. area, please join us this Friday, October 13 at 12:00 PM at Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C. If you are interested in attending any upcoming events in support of Israel, here are just a few events and spaces being offered:
Online - Join us for an important Fighting Hate from Home
webinar this Friday at 10 a.m. ET to hear first-hand from an Israeli whose family was taken hostage by Hamas. We will discuss Israel under attack, antisemitism in the U.S. and how ADL is responding with ADL Center on Extremism VP Oren Segal, who will provide updates on the situation, take your questions and provide resources.
Asheville, NC - Solidary Event | Thursday, October 12 at 6:00 PM at Congregation Beth Israel. Co-sponsored by Congregation Beth HaTephila, Asheville JCC, Chabad of Asheville, JFS of Western NC, and Center for Jewish Studies at UNCA.
Potomac, MD – A Vigil of Jewish Unity & Solidarity With Israel | Thursday, October 12 at 7:30 PM at Congregation Har Shalom. Co-sponsored by ADL.
ADL is proud to stand with Israel and the Israeli people during this incredibly difficult time. We look forward to coming together to stand in solidarity with Jews and Israelis everywhere.
In unity,

Meredith R. Weisel
Regional Director, ADL Washington, D.C. |