After the tragic events of El Paso, TX, and Dayton, OH many took to social media and the airwaves to perpetuate the myth that the U.S. leads the world in mass shootings.
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Sen. Booker’s Shameful Exploitation of El Paso Murders Shows He Cares Nothing for Facts or the Second Amendment

By P. Gardner Goldsmith | August 5, 2019

His insufferable and egotistical attack on peaceful people, his callous disregard for history or the importance of firearms to reduce crime, his echo of collectivist despots of the past -- all go overlooked by host Al Sharpton.

Transgender Navy SEAL: Mario Lopez 'Shouldn't Be Fired'

By Eric Shaffer | August 6, 2019

A social media outrage mob descended on Mario Lopez for exclaiming the ever so controversial opinion that three-year old kids… shouldn’t be raised as trans because, you know, they’re children.

Really?! Venezuela's Maduro & Uruguay Issue Travel Warnings to U.S. After Shootings

By Nick Kangadis | August 6, 2019

Another possible, more valid sounding reason for the travel warning is news that President Donald Trump has imposed a “freeze on all Venezuelan government assets in the United States.”

Marianne Williamson: ‘Witch Burnings (Were) The Beginning Of The Environmental Crisis’

By Eric Scheiner | August 6, 2019

"That is because, before the witch burnings - pagan culture, these women represented, they were those who held aloft the ceremonies, which kept the Western mind connected within itself to a sense of divine partnership between the human race and the…

Not One Alien Qualified For Asylum Among Group Of Over 1000

By John Romero | August 6, 2019

The fact is that some of the asylum seekers are simply trying to get into the U.S. for economic gain.

Wow! CNN Actually Reported Dayton Shooter Tweeted 'Extreme Left-Wing Views'

By Nick Kangadis | August 6, 2019

CNN reported that the shooter had a list of boys he wanted to “kill” and girls he wanted to “rape.”

Radical Protestors Hurl Death Threats at Sen. Mitch McConnell

By Eric Shaffer | August 6, 2019

In the wake of two tragic mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton which have left dozens dead and more injured, emotions in the United States are raw, with many outraged at the nation’s gun laws. This has led some to embrace the ugliest and worst…

30330: Zip Code For Gaffes

By mrctvstaff | August 5, 2019

There's so many Biden gaffes.

Sen. Paul to Have Part of His Lung Removed As A Result of 2017 Assault

By Eric Shaffer | August 5, 2019

Rand Paul (R-KY) announced on Monday that he would have to limit his “August activities” as a result of long-term injuries which have plagued Paul since his neighbor’s violent assault on him in 2017.


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