I did something. I'm not even sure how it happened. The past few years of my life have been consumed by divorce, single parenting, adoption, litigation, fighting CPS, protecting my children, and responding to ex-husband's ridiculous motions in his sad attempt to exact revenge. (Believe me, it takes a whole new level of special to conspire with a child welfare agency.)

Every time I wanted to post, I couldn't. Every time I wanted to do something, create something, or return to this platform I had created for myself, I couldn't. It was constant sabatoge. It's like life dumped a ginormous truckload of lemons on me -- so many freaking lemons. I almost gave up.

And then one day I woke up, found my way to the surface, and started a supplement line. Literally ... just like that. I took an idea I had on the inside and flushed out the vision on the outside. I wanted to create something with the best ingredients, that was as eco-friendly as possible (even the labels are designed from 100% post-consumer recycled waste), affordable for everyone, and based on YEARS of training, research, and seeing clients. My supplement line is and will always be based on the feedback I've received from the thousands of followers I've come to know and learned to love.

People always say, "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." My motto is, "When life hands you lemons, freeze them and throw them at your problem."

Check out the Living Whole Supplement line

P.S - How cute is this?

Love, Megan