We are just over one year away from the 2024 presidential election. It is with this laser focus that Higher Ground Labs launches the Progressive AI Lab.

Generative AI has become a powerful force driving transformation across industries, and its impact on politics cannot be underestimated. The recent utilization of AI by Republicans to generate and disseminate strategic content underscores the urgency for Democrats and progressive organizations to embrace this technology effectively. 

To centralize efforts, attract top talent, secure funding, and provide vital support, HGL is excited to announce the launch of the Progressive AI Lab, serving as the hub for AI innovation within the Democratic and progressive landscape during the 2023-24 cycle.

As part of this, we are seeking proposals for applications of this technology that will directly contribute to winning 2024 programs. The Lab will offer grants to individuals and organizations to research, innovate, and incorporate AI in their work. These grants of $20k of non-dilutive capital will be awarded by the Lab and can be made to any type of organization, regardless of structure or tax status. Grant funds will be used to incubate ideas.

Submit a response by October 25th
What's happening in the HGL ecosystem:
HGL brought our sixth accelerator cohort to Washington, DC for a week of sales training and relationship-building, culminating in the Accelerator New Tech Showcase. We’re grateful to all of our brilliant partners who showed up and made the week a success. Read the Social Currant co-founders’ recap here.
If we missed you in DC but you still want to connect with the HGL6 founders, read about them and reach out to them here. HGL6 companies are building game-changing tools to power progressive victories this cycle and beyond.  
There are 40+ job openings at political tech companies across the HGL portfolio, including roles in sales, engineering, marketing, and client success. Browse the HGL Portfolio Jobs Board here.
In search of last-minute tech before the November elections? Or getting a jump-start on building your stack for 2024? Check out Higher Ground Labs’ Political Tech Snapshots for a buyer’s guide on political campaigning and advocacy tools.

On a closing note: it is a difficult time in the world. Our nation is incredibly diverse and we are impacted by the devastation and violence abroad. We are keeping our Jewish and Palestinian friends and colleagues in our hearts — we see you and grieve with you. Please take care of yourselves and take care of each other.

Join us on LinkedIn for regular HGL and political tech updates. 

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