It’s Election Day!
Today, Republican voters across the state will head to the polls to vote for
the Republican candidate of their choice who will fight for our shared values
in November. Don’t miss out on the chance to determine who represents YOU as
the Republican nominee!
Find My Polling Location! <[link removed]>
By casting your ballot in the Republican Primary Election, you also have the
opportunity to share your opinion on ten important issues the Party wants
voters’ input on.Read more about the ballot propositionshere
<[link removed]>.
Republican Primary Election voters are also eligible to participate in your
Precinct Convention. The Precinct Convention is the first step in the political
convention process and a great opportunity for you to get involved with the
Republican Party.
Polls close at 7 PM. Cast your ballot, ASAP!
God Bless Texas,
James Dickey
Republican Party of Texas
Paid for by the Republican Party of Texas and not authorized by any candidate
or candidate's committee.
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Republican Party of Texas, P.O. box 2206 Austin, TX 78768