Through in-depth phone interviews and focus groups, women and other birthing people shared their need to be provided with full, relevant information to make informed decisions and feel they have bodily autonomy throughout their pregnancies.
Disruptions in health coverage may delay care and create higher administrative costs. Adopting 12-month continuous eligibility could increase the number of adults and children enrolled by hundreds of thousands in an average month.
Four in 10 adults with disabilities reported experiencing unfair treatment in health care settings, at work, or when applying for public benefits because of their disabilities or other personal characteristics in 2022.
Researchers find there are potentially adverse consequences to adopting episode-based payments for a unified post-acute care payment system. Providers may be incentivized to offer less care within an episode or make different decisions about provider involvement.
Researchers examine how AI may affect health care outcomes, review approaches to evaluating and mitigating biases in AI, and discuss potential regulatory and policy options.
To implement much-needed reforms in the Medicare physician fee schedule, the authors propose an expert panel that would advise the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
The proportion of visits delivered by nurse practitioners and physician assistants in the US is increasing rapidly and now accounts for a quarter of all health care visits.