Over the past two years, Alabama Arise has spoken with dozens of workers in Alabama’s Medicaid coverage gap. Many agreed to allow us to tell their personal stories, and those stories have resonated with many lawmakers and reporters.

Our storytellers have been featured in publications around the state, and even across the country. Now we’re looking for your help to build on that momentum as we work to close the coverage gap once and for all.

Are you or a loved one uninsured? Have you recently lost health coverage or been told you’re ineligible for Medicaid benefits? We want to hear your story!

Nearly 300,000 Alabamians would benefit from Medicaid expansion. Most of them live in the coverage gap. They don’t qualify for Alabama Medicaid or marketplace subsidies, and they are unable to afford private health coverage.

Kenneth King shares his story of life in the coverage gap at an advocacy event. 

Alabama can make life-saving health care more affordable right now by expanding Medicaid. And your story can help influence legislators to take action. When you share your story, you help make the issue real for people and clearly show what's at stake if we don't take action. 

And we’ve made it easy.

With our Cover Alabama coalition’s Share Your Story form, you can write your story, record your story or request an interview with me. It only takes a few minutes, but it can make a world of difference.

So tell us more about yourself. Your story matters. Let’s get your voice to the policymakers who can make real change by expanding Medicaid in Alabama.

Thank you for your support. We couldn’t do it without our members and partners like you.

Whit Sides

Alabama Arise storyteller

Alabama Arise
P.O. Box 1188 | Montgomery, Alabama 36101
(334) 832-9060 | [email protected]

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