From Staff Sgt. Aquilino Gonell <[email protected]>
Subject Kari Lake is running for Senate
Date October 12, 2023 1:18 PM
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Friend, it’s Aquilino Gonell, former Staff Sergeant with the U.S. Capitol Police.

I’m writing because Kari Lake just announced her campaign for Senate in Arizona.

She’s Trump’s biggest cheerleader. People call her the MAGA Queen.

And she has never stopped spreading the Big Lie. She defends the people who injured hundreds of police on January 6th, who injured my hand and my foot, tore my shield from me, and beat me with the American flag. She’s even called for more political violence in the years since.

These people are not patriots. They don't love this country. Their only loyalty is to Trump — and to power.

Kari Lake isn’t a joke — she’s dangerous. She must be stopped. Ruben Gallego fought for our country in Iraq, and he was ready to fight on the House floor on January 6th. Ruben is the only one who can stop Kari Lake.

I’m doing everything I can to support him.

So please, for our country, for our democracy, I’m asking you to join me.

Can you make a donation to help Ruben Gallego beat Kari Lake today?

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Thank you very much,

Aquilino Gonell

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