

Abortion is the defining moral issue of our time.

Politicians floating boring, centrist compromises on abortion can be very dangerous in a post-Roe America.

Candidates' abortion stances are often designed less to save lives...and more to check a box they believe will allow them to continue taking pro-life voters for granted.

I recently appeared on Newsmax TV to discuss:


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Toronto, Ontario

40 Days for Life vigils often hold a special place in the hearts of pro-lifers who were nearly aborted--and those who nearly had abortions themselves.

"My mom thought of finishing the pregnancy when I was in her womb," said a man passing by the Toronto 40 Days for Life campaign. "Thank God she changed her decision."

The previous day, a first-time vigil participant shared why she prays for an end to abortion.

"Fifty-five years ago, I was at an abortion facility waiting for the procedure," the woman explained. "But I received a call in my heart to get out of that place. Thank God I did. I am so blessed to have my daughter."

The woman said that being a single mother wasn't easy, but she always found the support she needed. Now she's providing support to other scared moms because she's been in their shoes.

"Back in the day...we saw how [an] abortion clinic...closed. Now I pray this one will close too."


Munich, Germany

Silja in Munich holds her vigil in front of a building that houses both an abortion facility and...

...a kindergarten!

One of the employees of that kindergarten complained to police that the vigil shouldn't be allowed--or should at least be limited in size. She even made false accusations that vigil participants were displaying inappropriate images.

"Police then set her straight that we were allowed to be there--and as many as show up," Silja said. "For now, she has left us alone."

Silja's movement continues to grow. About 120 volunteers now participate. "They started well and are gathering momentum," said 40 Days for Life director of international campaigns Robert Colquhoun.


Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peace-makers, for they will be called children of God.

--Matthew 5:7-9

Lord, in your infinite mercy, bring healing and hope to those caught in the lies of the abortion industry. Answer my prayer for forgiveness on their behalf: "Thoroughly wash away my guilt; and from my sin cleanse me."

For life,


Shawn Carney
President/CEO, 40 Days for Life

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40 Days for Life 4112 E 29th St. Bryan, Texas 77802 United States (888) LIFE-316