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Thursday, October 12th, 2023


Foreign Aid Is the Problem, Not Senator Menendez

Laurence M. Vance

It’s a Trap! The Wave of Repercussions as the Middle East Fights “The Last War”

Brandon Smith

Polluting the Internet With Falsehoods

Peter Kwasniewski, PhD

Israel’s War Crime: Collective Punishment of Two Million in Gaza for Hamas Atrocities in Israel Incursion

Dave Lindorff

America Must Stay Out of Other Nations’ Ethnic Conflicts

Darrick Taylor

Israel Fostered the Rise of Hamas, Even After It Turned to Terror

Brian McGlinchey

Why Uranium has Enormous Upside Potential

Doug Casey

This Is Exactly What It Looks Like

Caitlin Johnstone

Guns for Hire: America’s Crisis State Goes Global

John & Nisha Whitehead

The US Can’t Afford Peace, Much Less War

Peter Schiff

The Welfare State’s Destruction of Faith in Freedom

Jacob G. Hornberger

Information Compliance — Bill Passed To Demolish Free Speech

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Political Theatre

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