Credit: www.fairfieldcarmelites.org)
Dear Friend,
On October 10, the National
Catholic Register published a question and answer session between EWTN
Rome Correspondent, Edward Pentin and His Eminence, Raymond Cardinal
Cardinal Burke’s recently released
book, Respecting the Body
and Blood of the Lord: When Holy Communion Should Be Denied
was the topic.
His Eminence elaborated
~ receiving Holy Communion with
serious sin on one’s soul
~ loss of respect for the Blessed
~ how to prepare to receive Holy
Communion worthily
~ the Sacrament of Confession is
not just for mortal sins and examining your conscience
~ how sin that is overlooked may
lead to mental health problems
~ why he is not terrified of
In closing, it was my personal honor to be able to collaborate with
Cardinal Burke on the aforementioned book offering reflection and
action oriented commentary at the end of each chapter with our
Catholic Action for Faith and Family flair.
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family https://www.catholicaction.org/
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P.S. If you have
not done so, please submit
your intentions for Two Holy Masses, October 12-13 invoking Our
Lady of Fatima, celebrating the 106th Anniversary of the
Miracle of the Sun.