Carl Marlinga for Congress


We’re so grateful for the outpouring of support we’ve received since launching our campaign for Congress. 

It’s incredible to see how big our grassroots team has grown since Carl first ran for Congress and how many of you have posted online to share our announcement and sent us supportive messages.

That’s important because the grassroots support we receive in this campaign will determine the outcome of this race. It’s critical that we keep momentum high.

Will you personally endorse Carl’s campaign and show everyone how strong this grassroots team already is? We need 500 supporters to endorse Carl before 11:59 pm tonight.


This race is a top pick up opportunity for Democrats, and simply adding your name in support of our campaign will make a big difference.

We’re sharing a list of everyone who adds their name, so please, add your name to officially endorse this red-to-blue campaign.


Thanks for being on our team.

– Marlinga HQ