Very few people believed we could win in 2022. All of the national pundits said it was a “Safe Republican” seat. So when the results started coming in on Election Night, the talking heads on cable news couldn’t believe their eyes.


In a moment, I’m going to ask you to make a donation to my campaign for Congress against Lauren Boebert. But before I do, please let me explain why your support now is so important if we’re going to defeat Boebert in 2024.

Very few people believed we could win in 2022. All of the national pundits said it was a “Safe Republican” seat. So when the results started coming in on Election Night, the talking heads on cable news couldn’t believe their eyes.

The race went to a recount, and ultimately, after all the ballots were counted, we came just 546 votes short of defeating Boebert. Ours was the closest race in the entire country.

We did it all with zero support from national Democrats while also being outspent by Boebert’s campaign and her allies.

How? By driving 24,000 miles in my red pickup truck to every corner of the district, showing up, meeting people where they were, and listening to everyone. We put in the work, and people like you who volunteered, donated, made phone calls, etc… You made it all possible.

This time, things are already getting even nastier, and Boebert’s Super PACs are going to try to smear me on every TV across the district.

We can counter their lies and win, but I’m counting on your support now to do it. My team has set a goal of raising another $300,000 for our campaign so we have the resources we need to start strong and defeat Boebert, but right now we're still $77,485 short:

If you’re able to, can I count on you to make a donation to my campaign right now – no amount is too small – to help us hit our goal and finally kick Lauren Boebert out of Congress? I’m grateful for every dollar you can afford to chip in.

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Early resources are critical to building and sustaining a campaign that can meet every voter and win.

Thank you for everything.

With gratitude -