March 3, 2020
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March 2, 2020
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

March 2, 2020

March 2, 2020
'All men and women created by you know'
WORLDNETDAILY ? Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden, whose infamous gaffes include firing shotguns to warn intruders and telling a paralyzed supporter to stand, recently claimed 150 million Americans were killed by gun violence.... (more)

March 2, 2020
After dropping out Sunday night
THE HILL ? Former presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg on Monday night officially endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden in the Democratic presidential race. The former mayor of South Bend, Ind., threw his support behind Biden during a joint appearance in Dallas after suspending his own campaign Sunday.... (more)

March 2, 2020
THE HILL ? Establishment Democrats are consolidating behind former Vice President Joe Biden after his decisive South Carolina victory in their effort to block liberal front-runner Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) from clinching the Democratic nomination.... (more)

March 2, 2020
NEWSMAX ? Joe Biden, fresh off a victory in South Carolina propelled by black voters, on Sunday commemorated a landmark civil rights march in Alabama, where some worshippers at an African-American church turned their backs on his rival Michael Bloomberg.... (more)

March 2, 2020
Cites his vital national security experience
NEWSMAX ? Amid criticism of a lack of intelligence experience, Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, laid out his case to be confirmed as the next director of national intelligence. "I have been handling national security issues as far back as 2005," Ratcliffe told CBS News. "I have spent four years at the Justice Department in charge of sensitive matters of national security, anti-terrorism investigations. For the last five years, I have been legislating almost exclusively on national security issues."... (more)

March 2, 2020
Matthews was due to retire in the near future with the events of the past week playing a factor in the timing of the move, an MSNBC spokesperson said.
NBC NEWS ? Chris Matthews, one of the longest-tenured voices at MSNBC, announced his retirement during Monday's night's airing of his talk show, "Hardball." Matthews, 74, said he and MSNBC had mutually agreed to part ways. The decision followed a series of events that resulted in criticism of the host's statements about Bernie Sanders, African-American lawmakers, and comments he had made to female journalists and coworkers.... (more)

March 2, 2020
NEWSMAX ? Roger Stone, a longtime friend and ally of President Donald Trump who was sentenced to 40 months in prison last week for lying to Congress, tampering with a witness and obstructing the House investigation into whether the Trump campaign coordinated with Russia to tip the 2016 election, on Sunday said his only fear in life is "not being right with God."... (more)

February 29, 2020
NEWSMAX ? The U.S. Surgeon General is making an exasperating plea for Americans to stop inundating face mask suppliers with individual orders, adding the masks are "not effective" for the general public's safety. They are best used for those with the virus, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.... (more)

February 29, 2020
Biden 48%, Sanders 20%
FOX NEWS ? Former Vice President Joe Biden decisively won the South Carolina Democratic primary on Saturday, claiming his first victory of the 2020 race and giving a crucial boost to his struggling campaign ahead of Super Tuesday. The victory tracked with polls indicating that Biden, buoyed by support among black voters, had a significant lead in the state for months over Sen. Bernie Sanders and others, despite the surging Vermont senator beginning to close the gap after early primary wins that rocketed him to front-runner status. Fox News projects Sanders will finish second, followed by wealthy progressive activist Tom Steyer -- who ended his campaign within hours of polls closing.... (more)

February 29, 2020
DAILY CALLER ? The United States signed a peace deal with the Taliban Saturday that would end America's longest war, if the group keeps its commitments. Under the deal, the U.S. would reduce deployment numbers in Afghanistan from 13,000 to 8,600 over the next several months. The U.S. will withdraw completely within 14 months if the Taliban holds to the deal's commitments of controlling terrorism.... (more)

February 29, 2020
Says Trump has pushed coronavirus response 'for weeks'
WASHINGTON EXAMINER ? Acting Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security Ken Cuccinelli urged calm over fears of a coronavirus epidemic, crediting President Trump with a preemptive response to the global outbreak. The president has been "whipping us with wet noodles for weeks now" to stay ahead of the spread of coronavirus, Cuccinelli said Friday at the Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Maryland. "There's a reason the threat is low in the United States as of now."... (more)

February 29, 2020
NEWSMAX ? Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., said Friday that Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., "can kiss Florida goodbye" after the Democratic presidential candidate praised some of former Cuban dictator Fidel Castro's policies. In a recent "60 Minutes" interview, Sanders praised Cuba's literacy rates during Castro's rule, and said, "it's unfair to simply say everything is bad" about how Castro ran the country.... (more)

February 29, 2020
WORLDNETDAILY ? Obama-appointed U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson teed off on Fox News host Tucker Carlson during a hearing Tuesday for Roger Stone, who requested a new trial. Stone, a longtime friend of President Donald Trump, wants a new trial on the grounds that the jury forewoman was found to have been a virulent anti-Trumper on social media.... (more)

February 28, 2020
Intel community denies saying Putin helping re-elect Trump
WORLDNETDAILY ? Democrats have renewed their Russia-collusion narrative against President Trump, claiming he's on the side of the Kremlin, not the Pentagon. John Brennan, who was CIA director under Barack Obama, recently claimed that by "trying to prevent the flow of intelligence to Congress, Trump is abetting a Russian covert operation to keep him in office for Moscow's interests, not America's."... (more)

February 27, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? President Trump is in a difficult situation. If he were to disclose circumstantial evidence that the coronavirus virus is a Chinese bioweapon, there would be calls for retaliation against the Communist regime. Such a declaration could lead to more fear, the threat of war, and perhaps a global economic collapse. As it is, the virus is causing a market meltdown. He does not want to contribute to a panic and further collapse.... (more)

February 26, 2020
'Do they stand with Bernie or do they stand for freedom?'
ART MOORE ? House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is preparing a procedural vote that condemns Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders' praise of purported accomplishments by communist regimes.... (more)

February 26, 2020
India has biggest democracy and second biggest population in the world
FOX NEWS ? It may look as if President Trump's trip to India boils down to little more than media optics and Taj Mahal photo-shoots. But there is much more significance to it than that. Over 100,000 people packed a cricket stadium to hear Trump and the Indian prime minister reprise the "Howdie Modi" event in Houston, Texas a few months ago, with each leader spotlighting the accomplishments of the other and discussing the strengthening bilateral relationship between our two countries.... (more)

February 26, 2020
'Statements were and are 100% false and defamatory'
WORLDNETDAILY ? President Trump's campaign has filed a libel lawsuit against news outlet he often has described as "fake news," the New York Times, for "falsely" reporting that the campaign was colluding with Vladimir Putin.... (more)

February 26, 2020
WORLDNETDAILY ? ABC News has suspended political correspondent David Wright after he told an undercover journalist he is a socialist and the establishment media "can't figure out how to challenge" President Trump.... (more)

February 26, 2020
BEN SHAPIRO ? This week, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., the socialist Democratic presidential front-runner, made waves when he merely reiterated his lifelong warmth toward the viciously evil Cuban Communist regime. Brushing off the human rights violations of Fidel Castro -- a man whose revolution ended with the murder or imprisonment of tens of thousands of his countrymen, and decades of impoverishment and repression for millions -- Sanders explained: "We're very opposed to the authoritarian nature of Cuba, but you know, it's unfair to simply say everything is bad. ... When Fidel Castro came into office, you know what he did? He had a massive literacy program. Is that a bad thing, even though Fidel Castro did it?"... (more)

February 26, 2020
NATIONAL REVIEW ? Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders invoked Barack Obama during Tuesday evening's Democratic debate as part of the Vermont senator's defense of his previous remarks praising aspects of the regime of late Cuban Communist leader Fidel Castro.... (more)

February 26, 2020
WORLDNETDAILY ? A Palestinian rocket attack missed a Jewish school in the Israeli city of Sderot on Monday afternoon but damaged its adjacent playground in a scenario all too common in that region. The school is located near the Gaza Strip, where violence against Israelis is ongoing.... (more)

February 26, 2020
If Sanders is nominated, Trump will get 65 percent of the vote, the highest for a U.S. presidential candidate in 200 years, and will win every state
CONRAD BLACK ? It is timely to look more closely at Senator Bernie Sanders. He is 78, was born and raised in Brooklyn in a Jewish family; his antecedents on both sides came from Galicia in the Austro-Hungarian Empire (now part of Poland). His father emigrated to New York in 1921 some years after Sanders's mother's family. An older brother, Larry, lives in England and was a Green Party city councilor in Oxford (he and I were opponents in a debate in 2016 in London about the U.S. election, and he was amiable and soft-spoken -- none of Bernie's arm-waving and shouting). Sanders was a capable athlete in his early years but an indifferent student.... (more)

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