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Dear Press Freedom Supporter, 
Like many of you, we are watching with horror and dismay the events unfolding in Israel and Gaza, and I wanted to let you know how CPJ is acting to support those who bring us the news.
Our first task is to document. CPJ is working with local journalists and partner organizations – who are simultaneously trying to report on the war while struggling to stay safe themselves – to monitor and verify the numbers of journalists killed, missing, injured or detained.
As of this email, at least seven journalists have been killed, two journalists are missing, another two have been injured, and one journalist has been detained. CPJ is tracking any attacks on journalists and media workers and will continue to update information about them here
At the same time, we are doing what we can to provide guidance to help journalists stay safe. We are disbursing safety advice to journalists covering the conflict and we stand ready to offer additional assistance, including safety consultations with our experts and financial assistance for needs such as trauma support.
I want to thank you for your solidarity and concern. The role of journalists is vital in providing clarity during the fog of war. It is also among the riskiest work for any civilian at such times. I am humbled by all those journalists continuing to do this work despite the immense risks – and by your outpouring of support.

Jodie Ginsberg

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Committee to Protect Journalists
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